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Yohio accidently became friends with Kikyuune Aiko when they went on the VocAmerica tours together. Aiko's a Resting Bitch Face "Don't fuck with me I'll cut you" kinda loner, but for some reason she looked at him, they exchanged a couple words, and then she was like "yeah this guy's my best friend now". Hio's sweet though so he didn't really mind, and now sees her as a sort of younger sister.

...And they're at that point where he's completely unfazed if he finds her raiding his fridge or something--

But of course, if he finds Arsloid, his very best friend in the whole world who knows all of his deepest secrets and he would sacrifice his life for, doing that, he would smack him upside the head with a newspaper and scold him for not getting a plate like a civilized human being--

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