**In the Jin sect**

A woman sat in her room, it was decorated very pretty, a golden silk sheet was spread on the bed, She sat there wearing a fake smile, She was feeding a baby ....... It was not her own child, but she loved him as if it was her own. The jin sect knew about the incident. It was quite a shock for them that the whole xian clan is wiped off.

The woman even went to the battle field to search for her family.......but there were none, only staim of blood and ruins,

* * * *

The night was really dark nearly 20 young cultivators were fighting something . It looked kinda like a mix of octopus and kind of abird. It had feathery Tentacles .Though it was only one, it was really hard to take down.

The more they cut off its tentacles, the more they grow. Some of the cultivators wors, white robes ,head band......, it was clear that they were from Lan clan.

The deciples were salling their seniors using a magic spell. No sooner than a few minutes, a person was seen rushing, A really handsome guy, he was wearing show white robes, head band.......
His black hair was flying in The wind its pretty sexy face was drenched in sweat.

He used his magic weapon and immediately went to help his disciples. But still he was not enough to take it down. He tried to use a body spell but it didn't work.

The tentacles were not growing in numbers but nor it could be controlled as they wished.... Suddenly out of nowhere, they could hear a flute it was neither sweet nor very sharp.

The player wore a black robe, his face wasnot clear, but everyone could see how the monster was curling up its tentacles, The flute became really sharp now, so much that the others had to clap their hands in their ears,and at once the monster burst into pieces and died.

The pieces flew here and there and vanished into the soil. Every one was astonished. Who could the person be to have killed such beast this easily ?The cloud above their head was dearing out now and the moonlight shone upon them. A sudden whispering burstout..............."" Illing patriac! ""

"Yi ling Patriach, every one run! Hide ,"- some disciples of other clans spoke in hushed voices.

"YI ling Patriach .........maybe that's why the monster was killed with such ease. We better run for our life now......... "

"Why should we run away ?" A member of Jin Clan shouted. "And who's the hell is yi ling Patriach? "

"You didn't notice the flute player who killed the monster? He has scary demonic power, he's evil, ran master....." another disciple said.

The disciples of lan clan stood quite for a second one of them finally spoke,"Is he that powerful? to be able to destroy everything? Why should we fear him"

Thear wes a howl of fear among some "You are right now standing on the same ground as Illing. You should not speak ill of him" They moaned with fear.

" He has demonic black power , he truly is strong enough to finish all of us off right here and now" another one squeaked from far,

"I've heard that he has cleared off each one of the deadly monster in chinchin care"he said.

A little kid spoke, "My master said that this Illing Patriac is the one behind the death of the wein sect ."

Everyone gaped at him. Lanzhan was quiet till now" he said quietly and then he took his hands behind his back and waked his disciples too, followed him.

The clan members, a while affer entered an inn.

They ordered some food A person in the inn said, I've heard that the leader. of wein clan went mad and commited suicide.......... How is Illing Patriac behind this death?"

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