chapter- 8

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It has been raining raining for a several hours now. The raindrops gently cleaned the blood on the grounds..........

There were c many body which Lay dead. The water is still pouring, but the blood stain on their clothes doesn't remove Behind a large bush a body twitched........

A few seconds, later he blinked and slowly opened his eyes. His head was hurt, He tried to get up but he felt too weak, At last he managed to sit, he was all dizzy, He yelled out his parents name, his sisters and ganny's name, but No one was there to respond.

He was all alone in the battle field full of dead bodies. He forced himself to stand up. He looked at himself. His robes were torn, they were all dirty.

He looked around, Bodies lay still, all of them......... Dead.

He started to walk....... The more he went further, the more he saw his friends body all of them, whom he used to play with the children he once picked in his arms , The people he once saw and in his sect,

His momma, dad.......

"Chushing!!" "Where are yo?u ??? "

"Jiějiě! Help me mom and dad are dead, please come get me " Weiying was on the verge of fears .

He held his head and sat down. Then the his body hit a hand. He looked at that direction and found his sister. Ice cold, bloody robes, She was no more too.... All of his family is no more.

He could not speak, he was stunned, when he came back to his senses, he let out a wail, He realized that he's all alone now.

He was crying. He could not do anything . He was a capable cultivator. He belived he was strong but he could not save his family. Suddenly he became quiet.

"I swear on wind, the sky above me, and my dead family, that I will get revenge. I'll kill every one who hurt my famill I'll finish off each and everyone of their sect.
One day... it will be either, them on me standing on the battlefield .............Alive".

* * * *

He couldn't cry any more. He has finished burying his parents, and pray for their souls to rest in peace.

He was over whelmed with countless questions .....

'How did wein clan do this, they were only few people. They couldn't be enough to finish off a whole sect .
How to did they even knew about our secret door ? It was not like we had a traitor, '

He had a flash back of a guy, 'White headband, white, clean robes, ' lanclan!!? How? ' Could they be the one who helped them?'.

'Maybe, but what will they get after finishing off our clan?'

He remembered his granny shinshin once told him that their dad an lan can's sect leader had something of a secret fight, they were some kind of enemy to each other. But no one, not even granny herself knew aymore.

'Could it be this then ?but........'

A few weeks later.......

Wein Qing and Wein Ning were with weiying. They were good friends. Even though Wein Qing and wen Ning were from wein clan, They have left their sect a long time ago and now lives by themselves.

They heard everything from weiying and they are willing to help him with anything they can.

"...........Your powers, got stronger compared to before, hows your training, going on," Wein Qing asked weiying .

He laughed a bit and said," Yeahhh..... I am now working hard to achieve a great spreitual energy . I did improve a lot....... and I'm pretty sure I'll be able to finish off wein clan all by myself, just a little bit of waiting......"

The story of Xian clan Cultivation (Complete)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя