Who? What? Where? When and Why?

Începe de la început

 "Ugh shut up! Ya greasy rat!" The tall lady groaned, stepping between him and me, " WE are all in this together, and they," she pointed at me," are trying to keep us alive and moving."

We all just stood there, staring at one another. Slowly we started to walk, the foliage seemed so different. Leaves bigger than my face, bright blue sap coming out of a gash on a tree. It was easy to forget the awkward silence with so many things to stare at. The ground became steep as we continued on, the trees spread out as we exited the forest. For the second time I thought my eyes were lying to me. Before us stood the horizon, there were different planets in the sky, new stars, moons, and the sun; it hadn't moved an inch since we got here. 

"What the fuck," it was beautiful, and it wasn't earth. My breath became short, I grasped at my ribs. 

"Well we're not in Kansas anymore," the military man said sitting down. His face was overcome with shock, pupils wide, teeth chattering, and hands shaking. 

How, how could this happen? We are on an alien planet, surrounded by woods, with no supplies, and we're all strangers. What did we do? What did this to us? And how thick are their skulls; so I know how hard to hit em? The tall lady walked over to the military man.

"My name is Tanya," the lady said, offering a hand to him." And if you don't get off your ass I'll punch you in the face."

Heh,"My names Barry," he took her hand standing up," and why would you punch me in the face?"

"Cause as far as I know you're the only one here in a uniform, meaning you have training." She paused looking him up and down," something we might need out here."

"M' names Zeke," the skinny dude muttered, still staring at the sky. His jaw kept on clenching, his hands picking at the knuckles. 

"How bout' you?" Tanya questioned, she eyes me the same way she did Barry. It's like she's assessing us, or our worth.

"My name's Y/N, nice to meet you." I met her gaze, she looked like she's seen her fair share of shit. Her eyes are dark, and her arms are toned. The clothing she's wearing is covered in oil, maybe she's a mechanic? But the earrings, and jewlery she had looked really expensive. 

"Holy shit, look over there just above the trees." Zeke called out to us as he pointed to what he wanted us to see. 

Along the tops of the trees we saw parachutes, some were still falling. Most of the chutes had strange boxes attached, but every now and then I saw the outline of what looked to be a human. There were lots of them, spread far and wide but in the same general direction. 

"We go that way," Barry announced, he pulled a machete out of another holster. "We'll need strength in numbers, weapons, and we can start a fire once it gets dark"

"Damn, you some kind of boy scout?" Tanya chided as she drew out her own gun, a small hand held pistol. 

'holy hell, am I the only one without a weapon?'

"Something like that." Barry huffed as he started marching ahead. Using the sharp blade to cut through the vegetation. 

We're in for a long walk

》Ayull pov.《

All the prey has been deployed with minimal casualties, a crate managed to land atop one of our 'oomans. Quite a funny event, seeing them go 'splat'. Groups are already being formed amongst the 'oomans, there are two so far. One up towards the North of the forest, then one South. The "brave 'ooman" is currently at the south end with the smaller group.

'Tch. "Brave" what makes this one so different'

Bringing my hand up to my helmet I felt the large dent, a mistake I'll be sure never to repeat. Leaving the cloaked ship I met Veta and Bahtoh in the trophy nest.

"How are they doing so far?" Bahtoh  questioned while messing with his gauntlet.

"The 'oomans have formed two groups at opposite ends."interesting how fast prey try the "strength in numbers route" almost funny in a way," However there are still a few stragglers in between." 

Bahtoh clicked his mandables together in interest and satisfaction, as his gauntlet finally did what he needed. Veta was over by a table sharpening some blades, his hands glided through the motions like they have a million times. 

"We will go for the stragglers first," weeding out the weaker prey is always a good warm up," then the larger group, towards the North."

"Saving our brave 'ooman for last are we?" Veta asked, looking up from his blades to stare at me expectantly.

"I am willing to observe them, I wish to see what you both do." It is the truth, I always wish to understand. And picking up random 'oomans from the street is not something I appreciate, but for my clan, it can be tolerated.

"Is that why they have a monitor? So you can observe them." Bahtoh snickered, glancing between me and Veta he softened." Thank you, for taking a chance."

'I just hope it's worth it'

Y/N pov.《

The sun has finally started to set, I'm covered in sweat, dirt, and what I think is feces of some kind. Barry is relentless, he just keeps going! But now with the sky darkening he stops.

"We'll make camp here, and I'll start a fire." He stated, already hacking away at the trees around, and gathering rocks.

Sitting down felt amazing! My feet where soar as hell. And my back ached in places I didn't know existed. The sky was amazing now that I had a chance to look at it, the planets and moons, the thousands of stars. It was all so beautiful.

"What're ya thinking about?" Tanya asked as she sat nearby in the trunk of a tree.

"This place is amazing." It really was, with all the colors, smells, and just everything.

"Visouse is more like it," Zeke snided from his spot on the ground,"just wait till one of these plants take a chomp outta ya in your sleep."

"Shut up all of ya," Barry commanded while striking a stone against his machete."We need to stay vigilant and well rested. I'll take first whacth, then Zeke, Tanya, and Y/N"

"What! Why me next?" Zeke complained.

"Because it's bitches befor beauty," Tanya was poseing as if she was in a photo shoot," sorry Barry."

We all laughed, Zeke groaned. Soon the sounds died out as sleep took us over. Barry staying up of course. The sounds of the forest was peaceful, no disturbance to be heard for miles, and where to call if there was.

'No one can hear you scream'

Fight, Flight, or Gut You Like A Fish? Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum