Virgin Mary.

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(Rue Narration)

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(Rue Narration)

When the Jacob brothers were younger, Cal lived in Greg's shadow.

It was obvious Greg was the favourite child between them both. He was the better wrestler out of them both, had better grades, better hair, was stronger, taller, had a bigger dick. He even got all the ladies: not that Cal was really bothered in that sense.

Greg had a talent of making everyone fall in love with him, he was so good at it he could get a fucking brick wall to swoon for him. All he had to do was sweet talk, flash that handsome smile and he had everyone worshipping him.

 But his real talent was being able to lie through his teeth, find out everybody's darkest secrets and keep them in a mental folder to use for later if he needed an alibi. Plus his parents thought Greg was an angel, everyone thought he was, so it was easy to do what he does best; lie, make up stories and frame others because they'd believe any old shit that left his mouth. Greg always knew he was the smartest in the room, being surrounded by idiots his whole life meant he didn't have to try that hard to get out of stuff anyway.

Greg used it on Cal once,  when Greg was 19 Cal found out he was sleeping with a 15 year old. Greg threatened that if he told a single soul, he would tell their dad that Cal was gay. Greg was eventually caught though, but at the end another guy took the fall for it and was put on a sex offenders list.

Greg decided that getting a career as either a police officer or a detective was the best way to go, he was able to study the psychology behind lying without it looking too suspicious and this way he was basically the law whenever he may have got caught doing anything; he knew what his rights where and it was easier to tamper with evidence this way.

Cal think this is why he hates Nate so much, he's so much like Greg it's pretty concerning. Having that talent of being able to wiggle himself out of any bad situation and continue to ruin peoples lives.  Every night, when Cal is double sure that everyone is asleep, he gets on his knees and prays that god sends karma the size of the titanic to Greg; that he eventually gets caught doing the most fucked up shit in the world and he finally gets what's coming to him.

He thought his prayers were answered when Greg's lawyer called him, asking for Cal to come to New York as Greg got caught having a heavily involvement in sex trafficking kids, he was about to lose everything, his badge, his career, his squeaky clean reputation. Cal was grinning ear to ear when he told his lawyer he'll be on the first flight.

Then almost overnight, the court hearing was dropped; everyone involved got life in jail except Greg who was suddenly " completely innocent". The child involved was secretly threatened to stay silent and was moved to a different state out of the way, the only punishment that Greg got was his title and qualification removed for "having sexual relations with a suspect of legal age". However, he still had the option of going back to school to get it back which is what he done.

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