Chapter 23-That was a close one

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I waited impatiently for Txunamy to return upstairs,after rushing me to her room while Geo,and his dad got in a physical fight. I wanted to help him so badly by using my powers,but I wasn't sure if I wanted to show him them just yet. So instead,Txunamy went to comfort Geo,once she heard there was no more screaming. I didn't have to wait too long though because she only took about two minutes. She returned with her arm wrapped around Geo's shoulder,and sat him down in a wrecked armchair in the corner of the room. He had a black eye on his left eye,and his face was pale like he was sick. Txunamy rubbed his back,and then walked over to a bunk bed at the other end of the room. She heaved herself to the top,and grabbed a brown teddy bear,missing its right eye,and a left arm. Stuffing was coming out of it,but she passed it over to Geo. "What happened,and why are you giving him a broken teddy bear?" I asked. Txunamy looked at Geo,and then led me outside their room,and shut the door. "He killed our dad from punching him too hard,or multiple times," she whispered in my ear. My eyes widened,"wait,but why the teddy bear" I questioned once more. She tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear,and whispered to me this,"whenever something bad happened at our house he would snuggle with this teddy bear that he got when he was a baby to comfort him". I nodded my head slowly,it seemed like Geo experienced several occasions in his life,where he didn't feel safe in his own home,and so he had to resort to a child's toy,to make him feel loved I think? Txunamy bit her lip,and then opened the door,to re enter their room. To our surprise though,we entered to see Geo standing on the window sill,about to jump! My jaw almost hit the ground,and Txunamy was frozen in shock,standing to the side. I quickly pushed her aside,making her land on the bottom bunk,and then I ran to Geo. I grabbed onto his ankle,and then tried to yank him down,but he was gripping to the top of the window. "Geo get down from there,what are you doing?" I asked him,"Let me jump,let me die," he said,with tears streaming down his face. I shook my head in disbelief,"I won't let you do this,I won't let you throw away this wonderful life you have" I exclaimed,still trying to pull him down. "WHAT WONDERFUL LIFE,I WAS ABUSED MENTALLY,PHYSICALLY,AND EMOTIONALLY" he screamed,"I WAS KICKED OUT OF MY HOUSE MULTIPLE TIMES,I KILLED MY FATHER,I HAD AN ADDICTION TO SMOKING,WHAT IS THERE TO LIVE FOR VENUS" he continued,shouting on the top of his lungs. I couldn't take it anymore,I wanted him down,and he was getting stronger with every yank I did,to the point where he almost was able to jump off. I made sure I was still holding on to his ankle,and then it began to happen. My body began to levitate from the ground,my eyes lit up the colour white,and purple fire shot up from my hands. I slowly brought the fire to the ankle I was holding onto with my other hand,and burned his foot. I hated having to listen to his wails,and screams as I burned him,but I wasn't going to stop until he got down from the window,and back into his bedroom. I looked over at Txunamy who was still in shock from this whole thing,and then back to Geo. In a demonic voice I yelled,"GET OFF THIS WINDOW,AND BACK INTO YOUR ROOM BEFORE I BURN YOUR WHOLE FOOT OFF". Geo whimpered,"OK OK I WILL,I WILL" he said replying out of breath. "I WANNA SEE YOU DO IT" I demanded. Then with that,Geo stepped off of the window,and onto the bedroom floor. Then my eyes went back to their normal colour,my hands stopped making flames,and I was lowered onto the ground. "You have powers too" he said breathlessly,"yeah I do" I said,holding my hands behind my back. Geo looked me up and down,"I want to know the truth,about your past,and present,and no more stalling,I want to know now" he demanded,while folding his arms. I swallowed the lump in my throat,I suppose it is time,I thought to myself. 

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