HANNY's Top Ship (Male Ver.)

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HANNY's Top Ship (Male ver.)

JoonHan (Brother-sister type)
•Namjoon always look out for young girl when they attend the same awards since he know how clumsy the girl is.
•Same as others members give her blanket when she forgot to bring one.
•Close with Namjoon since her brother Henry introduce him to her and Harris.
•Basically one of the person Hanny prefer when she has any problem especially with song-writing.
•Hanny being cautious about Namjoon holding her thing.

SuNy (Fluffy duo type)
•Suga always seem smiley when it's come to Hanny.
•Hanny is one of the person who dare to disturb Suga when he sleep.
•Hanny also seek for help from Suga when she has a problem cuz she know she can depend on him.
•Would catch them chilling together at the company especially the artist lounge area.
•Always protect the younger and would give a cold eyes to whoever looking at Hanny.

HaMin (Seducing mate type)
•Believe me when I say Jimin is all flirting when it's come to Hanny.
•Casually call her baby girl and wink at her before become a shy mochi
•Hanny really admire how graceful Jimin dance and always leave starstruck.
•They always caught talk and laugh at award show which make fans ship them. One of Hanny's famous ship.
•When Hanny cannot stand Jimin's flirting, she make sure the table turn around by seduce him back and surely leave the boy mess. Leave all the boys laughing at his reaction.

JungNy (Frenemies type)
•Whenever they meet, surely it's became a fight. Actually a soft fight.
•They always talk back to each other and Jungkook make sure he not go overboard toward the girl.
•Roast each other is must but they are the most closed one.
•Jungkook claim that only him can roast Hanny and if he heard or saw anyone who said something bad to her or makes her cry. Oh boy, he not hesitate to stand up for her.
•This also a famous ship since Jungkook casually talk and laugh with Hanny at award show while he really try hard to not talk or look at others female idol to avoid scandal.

JeongNy (Flirting type)
•Jeonghan turn to mode flirting when he make an eyes contact with Hanny.
•Constantly sending her wink, and flying kiss which cause a lot of trouble when a dating rumors was spread.
•Hanny flirting back when she in the mood or else she just ignores the fact that the handsome man keep flirting with her.
•Having a same birthday date, fans called them as "Angel couple". Wishing happy birthday to each other and keep mentioning each other name.
•Jeonghan being a cheeky whenever they two talk and he has tiny crush on girl after that, he just accept her as little sister.

MingNy (Clumsy type)
•The clumsy is their middle name.
•Always going out picnic with others members. Where they both plan to cook and exchange the food after that.
•Fans caught Mingyu stare lovingly at Hanny when they talk or when Hanny received any awards and making speech on the stage.
•Well their relationship more to pure buddie where Mingyu always try to keep the girl safe even he may trip himself.
•Hanny also only female idol Mingyu talk a lot even in award show. They joking and laughing a lot that makes a dating rumors but was shut down when they claimed they are best buddie.

DiNy (Savage type)
•Hanny is the first one who make a move to talk to Dino cuz she find his dancing skills is amazing.
•Find out they are same age and instantly become a bestie. More like savage bestie.
•When Hanny hang out with SEVENTEEN maknae line, Dino always roasted Seungkwan which make Hanny laughed.
•When they about to punch each other, Hanny take in charge to push them away.
•Doing a free style dance together and fans always found they support each other by attend to each other concert.

JaeNy (Bestie)
•This ship leave fans shocked how close Hanny with Jaehyun. Jaehyun meet Hanny when she hang out with Mingyu and Jungkook.
•At first Hanny just strolling the mall by herself. Unfortunately, she encounter with those three.
•Jungkook and Mingyu beem happy to Hanny accept Jaehyun cuz he don't like the fact his bestfriend hugging that girl.
•After know each other, Jaehyun know he was wrongly think about Hanny. She more than cute little bunny which make his heart beating fast.
•He develop little crush but forget it since Hanny was dating with her members Ten back then and stay as bestie.

TenNy (Couple to Bestie type)
•Ten are really whipped for the girl.
•They both have a lot of commons things which make their feeling grew towards each other.
•Ten try hard to not feel jealous but cannot hold in when she meet his members. They practically whipped for her which make he jealous.
•Give Hanny a drawing of herself at the backstage of MMA.
•Ten confess his feeling and they make an official on November 2018. After 6 months, their feeling more into best friend instead of lover so they decide to break up and stay as a friend like usual.
•When he heard about you and Chan, he feel frustrated but what can he do when you both decide just to be friends. Plus he saw you really happy with Chan.

Bang Chan
ChanNy (Perfect Couple type)
•His members know that their leader have a major crush on Hanny. When Hanny officially make an announcement about her relationship with Ten, you could say that Chan having broken heart. But not longer after that, he got a chance again after they both part away.
•Chan slowly tried to make a move on Hanny since he know that she's still don't want to accept any love relationship in near time.
•With help from TWICE and STRAY KIDS, Chan finally had a gut to confess his feeling to Hanny. Hanny thought Chan was completely fit with all her ideal type and try to open her heart again. She told Chan to courting on her first then she think about it.
•And of course Chan took it as another level. Bring her to private romantic dinner when they have a free time, giving her sweet tooth pick up line and treat her like a real princess which make Hanny melting and fall for him.
•They being a couple since March 2021 but was officially to public in June 2022. After 1 year and 3 months being a couple.

HanBin (Tom & Jerry relationship)
•Nayeon introduce the both of you since she know you both are same age and being too friendly you make the first move.
•At first, Changbin was awkward to talk to you since he thought you're really pretty even without a makeup. After a while he start feeling comfortable with you and being opened with you.
•Hanny would go date with Changbin's mom and sister and post a picture of them to him. Just to make him jealous. Changbin's mom love Hanny than him.
•Changbin playing as cupid for both you and Chan. He know what's the best for you even if you guys always pick fight with each other.
•Changbin really closed to you and casually put his hand on your shoulder. When antis attack whether you or Changbin, but mostly Changbin, you both stood for each other. Always at each others back.

YeonNy (Weirdo duo type)
•Constantly caught them taking a selfie together. Having a weird conversation ever. Only they both understand what they talked about.
•TikTok buddies. Yeonjun always force the girl to do a TikTok with him. After long time, it's already part of her life to be a TikTokers.
•Will roasted Changbin together. Cuz they both are tall than Changbin and leave the boy sulking.
•Like her relationship with Changbin always stood each others and always at each other back.
•Don't like when you praise Changbin infront him or tell the fans Changbin is your first bestfriend. Cuz he the first who talked to you even before you meet Changbin.

MinNy (Bestie awkward type)
•They are the same year and Hanny added him on group chat. But Rocky more awkward with others so when he with you, he also feel awkward.
•After having a talk for good 15 minutes he start to feel comfortable and talked and jokes more.
•He find you so cute when you tried you best to not making things awkward between he and others 99 liners.
•Basically admired you for your hard work and been proud to having you as his bestfriend.
•Slightly having a crush on Hanny but not more then him admire her for work hard.

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