Chapter 4: Viridian City & The firey puppy

Start from the beginning

"I'm Dexter. A pokedex programmed by Professor Oak for Pokemon trainer Matthew Henderson from Pallet Town. My function is to provide Daniel with information and advice regarding Pokemon and their training. If lost or stolen, I can't be replaced," Matthew pokedex said.

"Oh, so are pokedexes our IDs," Matthew said.

"So your Daniel," Officer Jenny said, heading them back there, Pokedex and looking over at Daniel.

"Yeah, why?"

"Jake told me to tell you hi," Officer Jenny replied.

"Oh well, come on, Matt, let's go heal are pokemon and get out of the rain," Daniel said, leaving his brother towards the Pokemon center with Crystal on his shoulder.


Daniel and Matthew let out a sigh of relief as they entered the Pokemon center before it started raining harder.

"Finally, we're out of that rainstorm," Matthew said, shaking the water out of his hair.

"Yeah, I bet that makes Crystal happy she hates getting wet," Daniel stated. "There, nurse joy, let's go get are Pokemon healed, then we should call home," He said, walking towards the front desk where a pink hair nurse was sitting.

"Meowth," Crystal agreed.

Daniel and Matthew then walked over to the front desk where Nurse Joy was sitting at.

"Hello, Nurse Joy, could you please take care of my Pokemon?" Daniel asked, placing Crystal on the front desk.

"Mine as well, Nurse Joy," Matthew said, pulling out the pokeballs with his Pokemon inside.

"Yes, of course, hand over your Pokeballs, on, and I will take care of them," Nurse Joy said, holding out a tray for the pokeballs.

"Thanks," Daniel and Matthew said, heading over their pokeballs, and Nurse Joy placed Crystal in the center where there were no pokeballs in the way.

"Take a sit in the waiting area, and I will call you will your Pokemon are ready," She said, heading in the back.

Daniel and Mathew thank her again before heading over to the phone to call their parents.

"Alright, now to call home and let them know we made it to Viridian city," Daniel said, dialing home.

After a few minutes of ringing, someone picked up the phone. It was their mother.

"Hello?" A female asked, confused in her voice.

"Hi, mom, it's Matthew and me," Daniel said.

The screen then switches to a video showing their mother on the screen. So they could see and hear her voice as well.

"Daniel, great to hear from you how your journey is going and where are you.

"The journey off to a good start. We just arrived at Viridian City, Daniel replied.

"Wow, Viridian city already. It took your father three days to get there," His mother said, surprised."However, your father was always bad directions as a kid and got sidetracked a lot. He be happy to know you and brother got there safe."

"Yeah, he would," Daniel said. "I also caught a Shellder anyway; you probably want to talk with Matthew, so I will give him the phone. I should head out get supplies from the pokemart anyway."

"Shellder not a bad water type," His mom said. "Yeah, I love to talk with him now. Also, make sure your brother's supplies are well stocked as well."

"Don't worry; I will after all; I agree to guide him and take care of him. Anyway, here he is", Daniel said, heading Matthew. " Talk to mom while I gather more supplies. The rain has settled down," He said as Matthew took the phone before heading off to the pokemart.

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