"Oh, okay." She says standing up and we leave together.


While walking to training, two girls run up to Alina.

"Alina, there you are." The girl with the darker skin tone and dark brown hair, says to Alina.

"We've been looking for you." The other girl with a lighter skin tone says.

Suddenly Mila runs up to me.

"Anya!" She says with a grin, hugging me.

"Mila." I say happy to see a familiar face.

She breaks the hug. "We need to get you to training." She says while taking my wrist and dragging me away.

"But what about Alina?"

"She has Nadia and Marie to help her." She says before bringing me outside.

"This is the first part of your new daily schedule, combat training." Mila explains.

"Sun Summoner, Elemental. You must learn to defend yourself fast." A man dressed in black says.

"Botkin." Mila whispers to me. "He's always very cold."

"Do you know how to fight?" He asks Alina and I.

"We've had some training." Alina answers for the both of us.

And with training, she means Mal once told us a bit about fighting. Alina got the hang of it pretty quickly. Me, not so much.

"Show me. Each pick an opponent." He demands.

"Her." Alina says almost instantly.

"Zoya Nazyalensky. I was training her since she was ten." He explains. Zoya steps in front of Alina.

I decide to go with Mila. I'm pretty sure she'll go easy on me and I'll be able to apologize afterwards.

"Fighters... ready?" We all nod. "And... fight!"

We both just stand there not doing anything.

"We go again." Alina says, after having fallen down.

"Why didn't you fight me?" Mila whispers confused.

"I thought you would throw the first punch." I whisper back.

We both go back into position.

"Fight." Botkin screams.

Mila throws a punch and I duck. I throw one and she ducks. In the corner of my eye I see Alina on her back, with Zoya on top of her with her hand around her neck.

I see red and Zoya's suddenly flown back. She lands a few feet away. Alina sits up and looks at me. I go over to her.

"Are you okay?" I ask concerned.

"I could have handled that." She says annoyed.

Ouch. That hurt.

"I don't even know how I did it. I'm sorry okay." I say looking towards the ground.

"No, it's fine. Thanks for helping me. It's just I haven't heard from Mal yet." She explains, while I help her up.

"Well, the Little Palace is pretty far away from camp. We've only been here two days. I'm sure a letter is already on the way to you." I reassure her.

Nadia, Marie and Mila come over to us.

"You okay?" Marie asks.

Alina nods and brushes dirt off of her Kefta.

"I can't believe she did that." Nadia says. "Shall we take you to get checked in?"

"I'll just take Anya with me. Thank you."

We both start walking back to our rooms.


Alina stops in front of the library.

"We could look for some books on the stag now." She proposes.

I nod and we both enter the library.

The library is a very pretty room. The walls are lined with wooden bookshelves and split up by big windows. There are also bookshelves detached from the wall with in between them big wooden tables with chairs.

I walk around the library, touching the covers of books. I start reading the titles.

The History Of The Fold, Grisha: A Guide,... And in the middle of all the Grisha related books, I see The Picture Of Dorian Grey. Maybe they even have Alice in Wonderland.

"Anya look what I found." Alina yells from the other side of the bookshelf.

"Coming." I yell, walking over to her.

"Look." Alina says once I'm close enough to her. She hands me the book.

It's the book we used to learn from when we were at the orphanage.

"It's been so long since I've seen this." I say, opening it.

"The bone road ebbs and the bone rode flows." Alina reads aloud from over my shoulder.

"You like books?" A voice from behind us asks.

I slap the book shut and turn around, so does Alina.

"You are well-read, aren't you." He starts. "Educated?"

Alina and I share a look before I put away the book.

"The headmistress where we grew up said because we didn't possess any physical talent, we should possess knowledge." Alina explains to the man.

"Isn't that lovely of her?"

You could say a lot of things about the headmistress, but lovely isn't one of the terms I would use.

"I'm the King's spiritual adviser." He explains. "Oh and Anya," He says turning to me, "Baghra is waiting for you."

"Baghra?" I repeat.

"Every Grisha is trained by Baghra to harness their power." He explains. "It is quite brutal."

Well that doesn't reassure me at all.

"I don't know where I can find her." I say.

"Just ask one of the guards to bring you to her."

I turn to Alina. "I'll see you later, okay?"

"Okay." I give her a quick hug before leaving.

Once in the hallway, I turn to the first guard I see.

"Hi, I'm so sorry to disturb, but I have to go see Baghra. Could you show me the way?" I ask politely.

The guard nods and starts walking. I follow behind him.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed

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