I smile shyly, touched by her compliment.

"Thank you, I'm just not really used to considering myself Grisha yet."

"I'm sure that will come with time." She reassures me. "Voila, I'm done." She says, straightening up.

"I look amazing, thank you." I say admiring her work in the mirror. She didn't just fix my blemishes, she also put some color on my lips, cheeks and eyelids. Very faint color, but you can still see the difference.

"And here's what you will wear." She says, holding up a long kaki skirt and a matching jacket.

I stand up, take the clothes from her and go to the bathroom to change. I know she saw me in the bath, but I would still prefer some privacy while changing.

When I come back out completely dressed and ready, her kit is already put away.

"Come, we're going with your sister." She says before leading me out the door.


"No army uniform includes a veil." Alina complains, while following Genya to wherever she's leading us.

"You look really good, Alina." I reassure her.

"How come she doesn't have one?" Alina asks Genya.

"I think the General did not inform the King that they also found the Elemental."

"Say one wanted to leave the Little Palace..." She starts, after a moment of silence.

"But everything you need is here." Genya reasons.

"I've got some things I've forgotten back at camp." Alina says. "I'm sure Anya forgot some things too."

I nod. They didn't really give us the time to pack our bags or say goodbye to people.

"I could just go back." She continues.

"Don't be ridiculous." Genya scoffs. "This way." She says, leading us around a corner.

Alina's blowing on her veil, trying to get it farther from her face.

"Stop that!" Genya reprimands her. "No one can see you until King Pyotr does."

Alina stops in front of a mirror, inspecting her outfit.

"It's just as well. This outfit is ridiculous." She says looking down at herself.

"Hey, I'm wearing the same thing." I say, nudging her in her side.

"Sorry." She mouth to me.

"Sadly, this is how the King sees the First Army. He cares little for mud, blood or sacrifice." Genya explains, grabbing Alina's wrist and dragging her along. I continue closely behind.

"Shouldn't we be wearing Kefta's?" I ask.

"Oh, no. The King expects to see a humble girl plucked from the ranks of his army. He'll want to take credit for you and Alina. You'll get a Kefta once he's witnessed Alina's powers."

We pass in front of an open set of doors with behind it tall bookshelves that reach the sealing. I examine the room for a bit, before realizing the others aren't stopping. I quicken my pace to meet up with them.

"Right, my powers." Alina repeats with some disdain in her voice.

"By all accounts, it'll be King Pyotr, the Queen, Crown Prince Vasily and the King's spiritual adviser, the Apparat." Genya explains, descending a set of dark wood stairs. "He's this greasy rat..."

Fire and Shadows (DarklingxOC) (Shadowandbone fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now