❇️Diane's appearance❇️
Short, curly, black hair
Hazel eyes
147cm tall

❇️ Diane's casual outfit❇️
She normally wears baggy jeans, a baggy shirt and sneakers when not at school

❇️Diane's other info❇️
Full name: Diane Tawana Maomi
Nicknames: Dia, Talia, Daisy
Birthday: 17 May
Favourite activity: Studying
Family: Mom, older brother and younger sister
No.1 Best friend: Rylan Tawana Lloyd
Talent: Drawing/Sketching
Fears: Large bodies of water, insects, death
Age: 14 years old (Grade 9)

💛Rylan's personality💛
Funny, talkative, energetic
Over thinks a lot, a little naive
Bubbly, sweet, emotional

💛Rylan's appearance💛
Short, blonde hair
Golden brown eyes
170cm tall

💛Rylan's casual outfit💛
He normally wears shorts, a black t-shirt and sneakers when not at school

💛Rylan's other info💛
Full name: Rylan Tawana Lloyd
Nicknames: Taiwan, Puppy, Ray
Birthday: 1 May
Favourite activity: Reading
Family: 2 dads, younger sister and 2 older brothers
No.1 Best friend: Diane Tawana Maomi
Talent: Writing
Fear: Ghosts
Age: 14 years old (Grade 9)

🖤Miles' personality🖤
Calm, courageous and optimistic
Sometimes ignorant and easily distracted
Imaginative, creative and a quick-thinker

🖤Miles' appearance🖤
Short, purple hair with a fringe
Silver eyes
168cm tall

🖤Miles' casual outfit🖤
He normally wears black ripped jeans, a red t-shirt and sneakers

🖤Miles' other info🖤
Full name: Miles Atlas
Nickname: Millions, Explorer, Ash
Birthday: 20 March
Favourite activity: Anything to do with music
Family: Mom, 2 older sister
No.1 Best friend: Jazlyn Jade Prins
Talent: Playing guitar
Fear: Dogs/Any kind of canine
Age: 15 years old (Grade 9) (He started school late)

Jazlyn's mom⚫
Full name: Jade Prins
Appearance: Short, straight red hair; sky blue eyes; 182cm tall
Past job: Doctor

⚫Jazlyn's dad⚫
Full name: Tyler Prins
Appearance: Short, brown hair; dark brown eyes; 190cm tall
Past job: Engineer

Jazlyn's sister⚫
Full name: Trisha
Appearance: Long, straight brown hair; sky blue eyes; 171cm tall

🔴 Jazlyn's stepmom🔴
Full name: Alissa Prins
Appearance: Short, wavy, black hair; hazel eyes; 180cm tall
Job: Accountant
Age: 36 years old

🔴Jazlyn's stepdad/uncle🔴
Full name: Henriko Prins
Appearance: Short, brown hair; green eyes; 190cm tall
Job: Business manager
Age: 42 years old

Background info about Jazlyn's family⚫
When Jazlyn was 10 years old, Jazlyn's mother, Jade passed away. She was killed in a fire at the hospital she worked at.
Jazlyn's father, Tyler, then remarried Alissa, who became Jazlyn's stepmom.
A year after her mother's death, Tyler was coming home with Trisha but got into a car accident...and they didn't survive.
Alissa then married Tyler's brother, Henriko, who's Jazlyn's uncle. Henriko became Jazlyn's stepdad.
Alissa and Henriko don't really treat Jazlyn well.

🔵Aaron and Jason's dad🔵
Full name: Nathan Leo Johnson
Appearance: Short, black hair; light blue eyes; 192cm tall
Job: Police chief
Age: 39 years old

🔵Aaron and Jason's mom🔵
Full name: Alison Johnson
Appearance: Long, straight, navy blue hair; 184cm tall
Job: Doctor
Age: 32 years old

💙💜How Jazlyn and Jason met💜💙
When Jazlyn was 8 years old, she was at the store with her biological mother. Jazlyn was trying to reach a box of cereal but she couldn't reach it. Someone then came from behind her and lifted her up. She almost punched the person in the face but he assured her that he was just helping. She quickly got the box, the stranger put her down. She thanked the stranger and looked at him. The person who helped her was Jason. They instantly became friends and coincidentally, both their mothers were friends too and they were neighbours. They hung out a lot since then.

❇️💛How Diane and Rylan met💛❇️
In primary school, Diane was walking through the hallway and saw that Rylan was being bullied by a group of boys. Diane walked to the boys and politely asked them to leave him alone. The boys just laughed, called her cute and told her to mind her own business. This irritated her so she pushed the boys aside and helped Rylan up. One boy (the leader of that group) teased them about them dating and Diane slapped him through the face. Rylan thanked Diane and they walked away from the bullies. They've been friends since then.

💜🖤How Miles and Jazlyn met🖤💜
In primary school, Jazlyn and Miles were performing a dance together. They barely knew each other and while they practiced, they got to know each other better and they became very good friends.

How the DFA (Dynamic Friend Alliance) was made❤️
At the beginning of their freshman year in highschool, Diane, Miles, Rylan and Jazlyn were placed into the same homeroom class. Miles and Rylan were already friends and introduced the girls to each other. Jazlyn then introduced Jason and Aaron to the group and they began hanging out all together.

❤️ DFA nicknames❤️
Diane and Rylan: Paradise Islands
Jazlyn and Miles: Music Jewels

That's all you need to know about some of the characters for now. More information about the characters and maybe more characters will come up during the story. There will be swearing. I apologize for any spelling errors in advance. Enjoy the story!!💜💜

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