"Ma let's go." She said when she wouldn't move. her mom groaned flying her hand up ready to hit Greysons cheek but of course grey has fast reflexes so her hand was easily caught holding it above her Ashtray was about to intervene. "Yo!-" but stoped when she held up her finger.

She was shocked, "....are you fucking serous?" She asked in disbelief. "Our you fucking serous!" She said louder. "We ain't doing this shit! Get the fuck up! Now! Get up! Get up!" She shouted pulling her by her arm she flinched at her tone but complied standing up drowsily. This was her breaking point her mother was a lot of thing and did a lot of bad things but she never put her hands on Greyson this was a new low even for her.

"I am so sick of your ungrateful ass I am here taking care of you while dad ignores the fact that he even has a fucking family! I have dismissed your neglect and your terrible job at being a mother and you can hate me all you want because I'm not Caleb! I am Greyson Mari Parker and I'm am Done with your bullshit! So get the fuck up and out of that damn bed before I personally strangle your cracked out ass!" She screamed.

Her mom stood there with her mouth A jar. "O-okay." She mumbled simply walking past her and down the hallway once she heard the door of the bathroom she just stood there.

Her hands went to the center of her face taking a deep breath while tears automatically formed in her eyes she couldn't handle her life anymore she didn't like pity and she hated to cry but she was so tired of taking care of her mother and she didn't have drugs to fix it anymore so she suffered in silence. She felt Ashtrays hands come to her shoulders comfortingly, "md" he whispered turning her around she had silent tears streaming down her she was so tired of everyone and the world so tired of the life that she excepted.

His hands went to her cheeks cupping them using the palm of his fingers to wipe away her warm tears. "We goin home." He told her grabbing her wrist but she stoped him. "I can't just leave her here she's drunk. What if she slips." She spoke up through sniffles. He shook his head, "you deserve a lot damn better then what you got Greyson this ain't it." He told her softly. "She's a grown woman she can handle herself my priority is you." He assured she felt safe around him and at home, a home that was waiting for her so she followed him out her Conscience  didn't let her leave without leaving a note on her door but it's one step closer to not settling for less then what she deserved so she was making progress.

She walked down the stairs hand and hand with ashtray he picked up her bag up walking her out. she felt her zip up hoodie being draped around her shivering shoulders as they both stepped outside she put smile on her face seeing Fez in the car waiting for the two she felt a weight being lifted off of her.

"You got us worried, you gotta start answering your phone kid." Fez reprimanded usually she'd make a joke or roll her eyes and tell him he needed to stop worrying but she was just glad to see him the feeling of being worried about was unfamiliar but she liked it.

"I will, promise"

She had completely scrubbing her body rid of all the germ that came with being in the same room as her mother after being in that house that's all she wanted to do since she's gotten home she's been in the shower sitting on the tub floor and thinking of everything her life her friends, even drugs. she thought of drugs a lot in that hour but it was good because it reminded her why she was sober.

She dried her body in her room sliding on Black sweatpants and a black shirt tiredly she had the longest day of the century she was tired when school ended but even more now. She was glad she got what she said ofc her chest it wasn't like her mom  would remember it but it wasn't for her but for herself but now she didn't have to see her for awhile she did her good deed as a daughter and she was finished with them she didn't need them anyways with the small family she already had.

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