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The door beeped and she could hear the key unlocking the lock. The door opened and the usual familiar faces were standing in front of Lou. Josephine walked in with a big smile, "Do you know what day it is?"

Lou looked up and into Josephine's warm brown eyes, as always Lou kept her face as neutral as possible and shook her head. "It's your birthday!"Josephine chanted and signalled the guards to take off Lou's foot cuffs.

"Which means you get to eat in the cantine today. How exciting," She said cheerfully and headed out of the room again as Lou got lifted off the floor. They were leading her down a long corridor, one she had seen many times before. She had studied it well, she knew every tile, every camera and every cell number. She was checking her knowledge while passing through the white tiled corridors until they eventually reached the cantine. They took off her handcuffs and put two big and heavy bracelets on her wrists.

"Don't worry about these, just pretend they're not there. Anyways enjoy the food,"Josephine said with a bright smile. Lou walked through the doors and it locked right after. She looked around, there were a bunch of Unevolved who weren't really talking to each other and if they did then only very quietly. Unevolved were creatures with all sorts of different features. Some had sharp ears and odd skin, those were the friendliest from Lou's observations. There were the ones that were short and were always very angry . A few times she had seen incredibly tiny ones with wings like a butterfly, those were kept in cages so they couldn't fly away. The most dangerous ones she had seen were the really big ones, they had huge teeth growing out of their mouths, had horrible looking hair and if a guard poked them a few times too often they would rage. She had seen them kill twice so she tends to avoid them once she is allowed to leave her cell. She was the only human in the facility ever since she came.

She gets in line with her tray. "Enjoy my ass," Lou thought at the sight of the food. It was some weird brown goo with something that was supposed to be peas in it. With that a chocolate brownie that was harder than any rock. Even the water they got locked unappetizing. She sat down at an empty table far away from everyone else. She picked up her spoon with some of the goo and sniffed which almost made her throw up the non-existing food in her stomach. She decided to chew on the rock which was supposed to be a brownie. It didn't even taste like chocolate but it wasn't as bad as the goo.

In the control centre next door Josephine was watching Lou's every move as well as her vitals. One of the guards scoffed, "Why do you bother with all this boring research anyways. It's not gonna get you anywhere anyways unless you start bringing some action into your observations."

Josephine grabs the guards collar and pulls him in, "That's not how science works, dipshit. I want to understand her so she can learn how to control it and become a normal citizen again."

"But that's not why you're working here," A man said, who just walked into the room, "you should work on finding a way to use her powers in order to improve our military."

Josephine gave him a cold look, "of course mr. Schmitt, that's why I'm doing all this 'boring' research to understand her and her powers."

He walked up to her in his full height and said, "I hope so. And it's Dr. Schmitt."

He left the room again and Josephine fell on one of the chairs. "Dickhead," she mumbled.

While Lou was still trying to get a piece of the brownie an unevolved sat down in front of her. It was one with pointy ears and red hair. She was very nervous. You could tell as she was fiddling with her fingers and her legs were shaking.

"I-I have a question to ask you," she said. Lou didn't bother looking up from her brownie. "Well it's more of a favour. I know who you are," Lou froze, looked up to the creature, then went back to chewing on the brownie. "And I apologise for asking this but I know you're going to get out of this place very soon. I can feel it. I know it. After reading what you had done in the past, I wanted to ask: can you go to my village in the forest and warn my people. They don't know how big of a threat humans are. T-tell them to prepare to fight. C-can you do that."

The elf eagerly waited for Lou's response. Annoyed, Lou put down the brownie and gave the camera nearest to her a quick piek. She then whispered, "I don't care about you or your village. If you don't leave me alone and I do get out, I'll burn your village to the ground." The elf looked at Lou in shock, quickly got up and left and Lou went back to chewing on her brownie in peace. 

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