The Ice Flower

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"Welcome to my humble home," Harold said as he led Lou, June, Will, Francesco, and James down the spiral staircase hidden in the bar they saw him the first time. Athedem stayed in the chief's, now overprotected, villa, they told him he was supposed to protect the chief but in reality, they didn't want him to get into danger like he did yesterday. Harold's 'home' was a large underground workshop decorated with different types of weapons he had welded and a sad little bunk bed thrown in a corner. In the room was the waitress that had served them the first time they entered the bar and another man.

"They're part of the resistance," Harold explained.

He led them to a corner of the room which was covered by a cloth, he pulled it aside and it revealed multiple papers pinned on the wall as well as pieces like cloth or pins that were carefully laid out on a table.

"That's what I have gathered over the years, knock yourselves out," Harold said and pulled James to the side whilst the other four were investigating the evidence.

"How have you been, it's been years since I've seen your face," Harold said in a low but friendly tone.

"I've been fine, protecting the artifacts and the boy," James replied, "more importantly though how did you get into such a situation."

Harold chuckled, "I saw the issue in front of me but I was helpless, from down here I couldn't do anything to help my people. So I thought what would James do?"

"And you thought I would go undercover in the enemies layer to find out their plan," James said perplexed.

"Well, yeah," Harold said a bit embarrassed.

James sighed, "You are not completely wrong. I probably would have done something like that."

They both laughed as their gaze fell upon the wielders.

"So that's really them," Harold asked.

"It is, they fell right in front of my doorstep," James said.

"Seems like time didn't change their character."

James chuckled, "no, they are just like I remembered."

"Those two hotheads," he nodded to Lou and Francesco, "are ready to explode and bump heads with anyone at any time. I think they need to cool off a bit."

"What are you suggesting?"

"Send them off to the mountains where their temper can cool off."

"We can't, none of them know how to properly use their powers."

"That's the whole point, this trip will help them realize who they really are."

"If anything goes wrong-"

"If they are the true chosen one nothing will go wrong."

"It's too risky."

"Trust me, James," Harold put a hand on James's shoulder, "when have you become so cowardly. James the great last warrior."

"A lot has happened since we parted," he sighed, "But you are right, the god phi has chosen them, I'm sure he would never let them die."

"Of course not," Harold reassured him.

When the warriors presented their plan for Francesco and Lou to gather the 'ice flower they were not happy with it. They complained for a long while but eventually, James and Harold had them all geared up on the outside of the town halls.

"Now, don't you worry. This is only a short trip," Harold said surprisingly happy upon their departure.

Lou grunted and Francesco was also visibly displeased about this trip.

June pulled Lou aside, "you have to be careful. Alone with this prick somewhere in the woods could end badly for you."

"I could say the same. Will might look harmless, but I've seen the kindest people kill. I also-"

"Let me guess, you don't trust Harold? I know how to defend myself, I was on the streets for long enough. Unlike you, you don't even know how to fight," June said angrily.

"I don't, but unlike you, I'm not so stupid to just follow people that could hurt me," Lou said equally angry. There stared at each other but then went to hug each other,

"Be careful,"

"You too."

Will and Francesco also had a quick chat before separating.

"Make sure nothing happens to June. I still don't trust any of this but we need to protect each other," Francesco said.

"I will protect her with my life. And you watch over Lou and make sure she doesn't rush into something that could kill her, " Will replied.

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