The hell hole

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It was early in the morning when they made it to the entrance of the hellhole. There were crowds of various different creatures: Tombos, Enkies and some June had never seen before. There were tiny little creatures with very thin wings flying around, some even had glitter flying around them and following them wherever they flew to.

Athedem noticed June's confused looked and walked over to her, "they're called Frienkles. They are the last species that can speak what we speak."

"What do you mean?" June said.

Ath scoffed, "you guys should have learned this in school. There are five species that can speak the way we do, the Tombos, Enkies, Frienkles, and humans."

"Those were only four. Maybe you should have learned better math in school," June hissed.

Ath continued quietly, "well, there is another species but we were never really allowed to learn about them. They're called the Skagi, and they can change their appearance. Like a shapeshifter."

"Do they not live in the forest?"

"No, they live someplace far away, but that story is too long to explain,"

The resistance split, June stuck with Ath and James and headed to the spectator area. The others were on the lookout for Akira's people. Harold went to sign himself up for the competition.

Up on the benches Ath anxiously looked around to see if he could find Will under the contestants who were all looking out of the holes they were put in. The hellhole was a 10-meter deep hole in which there were multiple more holes, the ones at the very top was where they put the contestants, and once it was time everyone jumped out and started fighting.

"I can't see him," Ath said.

"Patience boy, we'll see him soon enough," James replied.

"Why are you so calm about all this," June asked angrily, "for all we know he could already be dead."

"Because I know that everything will be just fine," he said cheerfully.

"Your crazy old man,"

"I'm not crazy. Because unlike all of you, I can see the solution on how to solve this issue right in front of me," he said with a smile.

June angrily got up and started walking closer to the barricades in hopes of finding Will. Instead of finding Will, she watched as Harold was put into one of the free holes. She had always thought Harold was huge, but looking at the other guys in the holes she wasn't so sure he was going to make it out. Suddenly a voice echoed over the premises and everyone started cheering.

"Ladies and Gentlemen and Monsters are you ready for today's Hellish show," the speaker shouted and the crowd went crazy.

"As always we will have a price for the toughest creature in the hole. Today's price," there were metals clanking and chains rolling and a cage was revealed with Will tied and beaten up in the middle, "is one of Akira's greatest enemies. Now you might think, why should we care? It's simple, he is the reason our beast Anik is dead, so whatever Monster wins this round of the Hellhole can do whatever he wants with this human scum."

The crowd gasped when the speaker announced that it was indeed a human in that cage and then cheered even harder.

"Now we have talked enough, let the shit show begin," the crowd cheered again and the cage was rolled a bit hire but still visible. Will was bleeding and unconscious but he was alive. June was partly relieved to know that he was not the one fighting but still anxious. If Harold didn't win not only would they lose him but Will would fall into someone's hands that want him dead. The first contestants started jumping out of their holes and into the middle of the hole and the crowds were cheering loudly.

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