"I didn't want to hurt you..." Sami stands up now, taking a few steps closer to bed, making sure it was alright with Dean that he was near him. Dean moves as far away from him as he possibly can, curling his knees up to his chest. "I never wanted to hurt you. I only wanted to take care of you, to love you. I want to be special to you like he is."

"Shut up...Just shut up..." Dean shakes his head in disbelief, wanting to get out of the room as quickly as he can. He doesn't want to hear how much he was loved by someone who betrayed him so badly.

"I was in your life before he ever he came into it. I cared about you and loved you before he ever did. I've had these feelings for you since you've graduated middle school. I didn't act on them because I was afraid to lose your friendship, and plus, because of our age difference."

Sami's expression doesn't change as he speaks, but the emotion in his voice grows. He sits down next to Dean, reaching out to stroke the soft skin of ankle, making the teen flinch away from him.

"I've always loved you. I would've given anything to protect you too. To get you out of the abusive household with your stepdad, to punish those assholes who bully you at school. I would've done anything for you. But you chose that fucking goody-two shoes. You put him first above me, gave all of your heart and soul to him, all of your love. You chose someone who is scared of the real you inside."

"S-Stop...Just go away...Just shut up..." Dean whispers, his voice breaking as he trembles in fear, clutching at the blanket to try to cover himself up with.

Sami ignores his fear, leaning in more closer to him, breathing down upon neck. "I never understood it...Why you picked him instead of me. He isn't like us. He'll never understand what it means to be different, to be an outcast, to be so fucked up. He ruined us. Ruined our bond that we share. He took away everything from me."


"I loved you so much, but you loved him more." Sami cupped his hand around the side of Dean's face, forcing him to look at him, ignoring the tears streaming down his face. "I had to do this, Dean. I had to make you mine in some way. I tried to be gentle with you, I really did. Believe me, I would have rather done it with your consent but you were too far from my grasp. So, I drugged you and kept you here with me last night."

Sami's words hit him hard, making it hard to breathe. "You d-drugged me?"

Sami smiles, leaning in closer to him, brushing their lips together. The kiss is oppressive and forceful, making Dean want to vomit. Sami pulls away, kissing at his lips for a moment longer, before pressing their foreheads together.

"You can leave me now and go back to him. Just know that I'll always you still, no matter how much you hate me, how much you wish to kill me. I'll never let you go."

With a grunt, Dean pushes him off of him, making him fall to the floor. He reaches over, grabbing his jeans and hoodie, quickly putting them on. He tries not look at Sami while he gets dressed, instead only focusing on getting the fuck out of here. He tries to ignore the pounding in his head and the sick feeling in his stomach. His mouth tastes horrible, and he can feel a bruise forming on his neck. Sami didn't even wait for him to wake up before he started...doing that. His stomach churns, and he's about to be sick. He runs over to the corner of his room, dropping to his knees as he begins to empty the contents of his stomach into a small trash can, dry heaving for a few moments after. He stays like that for a few minutes, hoping that the wave of nausea passes him.

After he is done, he stands up, exiting the room, and hurrying out of his friends house. He wants to go back home to Roman, wants get as far away from his friend as he possibly can. He runs, not slowing down for anything. A while later he finally makes it to his destination, falling down to his knees outside, clutching at his stomach. Another worrying, scary thought crosses his mind suddenly then. The baby...What if...? No, he couldn't think like that. He may have been hurt but his baby was alright, it had to be. He wouldn't be able to bear to it if what Sami had done to him ended up hurting his baby also or resulted in him miscarrying.

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