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Hey everyone! It's been about two years but I am finally back to writing again. This is a short preview of an Euphoria Fezco x OFC fanfiction I've started to create so please leave feedback on what you think so far!

(Rue narration )

Now there's a lot of fucked up people in my life, but no one is as fucked up as Aurora.

She's not a rapist or evil or anything. She's just been through a lot of shit, well I mean I'm just guessing. I met both Aurora and Lexi in elementary school, me and Lexi have known her basically our whole lives yet she's a complete mystery to us all.

When we ask her about her childhood she freezes up, her breathing stops, her eyes widen making her look like a shell shocked world war 2 soldier. I asked her once a year or two ago, resulting in a vicious panic attack and her avoiding me for two weeks after.

Its an unspoken rule with Aurora, never ask about her life before Fezco's grandmother took her in.

Aurora's POV


I continued counting each step i took, a slight smile appearing on my face as i achieved more steps than last week, I'm getting closer.

"small victories snowflake" Kitty, Fezco's grandma's words of encouragement growing up floods my brain. "you just keep achieving your small victories and makin' me proud."

I froze once i reached the marble stairs of the chapel and looked up, catching sight of the massive cross at the front of it. I instantly looked down, a sudden feeling of nausea taking over. Staring at the cross can be the goal next time.

The door to the chapel was open so i could see inside, people praying along with the cleaner dusting down the alter. Gosh it's so beautiful in there, the statues, the flowers, the paintings. It must be even more gorgeous close up.

I lift my foot ready to take that final step into the building, yet my foot stays up in the air. My body is frozen stiff and I eventually start to shake in fear.

My brain keeps replaying the same phrase.

"I'll know if you've been sinning girl! Sinners burn alive when they enter a church, do you want to slowly burn to death... huh?!"

(Rue Narration)

I didn't know at the time, but Aurora's name used to be Isabella.

All I knew, was that her parents were bible bashers, and I'm not just talking any old bible basher; I'm talking about church 2 times a day, no trousers aloud, hymns playing 24 fucking 7 and Aurora's future plans where to become a nun kind of fucking bible basher.

Her dad was a violent man drowning in anger issues and her mum should've been admitted to a mental hospital for treatment decades ago. They didn't believe in therapy or pharmaceutical's as it wasn't in the bible, so they took out their problems on Aurora instead.

And yeah it fucked her up.

Her mother created the rules for the household that were impossible for a young curious girl to abide by, and her father would punish her if she broke them, telling her she's a sinner and destined to be rotting in hell.

She was sick of it  all so she ran way.

However i know this isn't the whole truth, because she ran away when she was 7 and Fezco's grandma took her into her care when she was 9. We all know something happened in they two years that she hasn't told a single soul, but I don't have the heart to ask her for the truth.

I don't think i could handle how fucked up it is if I'm honest.

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