2~ Oh no, panik

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Can I just specify something, when I mention God in this I don't mean to be disrespectful. You can believe whatever you wish, I don't care. It's just for the sake of the story.

Apollo POV

That boy, that boy is a menace. This is why we cannot have nice things, there's always someone who will ruin it. I sighed, there's not much to do about it then; no point in shouting at him when he won't even listen (nor care). He won't be leaving his cabin until tomorrow so I have a good 8-9 hour time period to waste. 

I sat down on my couch and pouted, why wouldn't he tell me? Why would he lie? I've never done anything wrong to him! Well- maybe I did. I mean can you blame me for kissing him? And I really needed that celedon for the concert.

But other than that I  would say I've been an angel. I even let him ride the sun chariot, and that is an honor.

I can still feel the pleasant tingle of power flowing through my veins. I stretched, I felt tired but also too energetic to sleep. I groaned and lied down while closing my eyes, hoping to fall into a slumber and feel a little bit more rested. I didn't want to do anything, much less stand up. The last thing I need was someone to bother me, but the fates seem to read my mind every single time I think that because the next thing I know is I'm feeling an indention on the couch next to me and the presence of a particular god. 

Without looking up I said, "Fuck off Hermes, I'm not in the mood to deal with anyone and if there's someone with you, they can fuck off too."

I heard a familiar voice tutting at me and I knew my guess was correct, "Tut tut brother dearest, is that any way to greet your favorite half-brother? You must know that that it's considered rude to say that to anyone? Especially towards family." Hermes' mocking voice was clearly expecting an answer; one I didn't want to give him.

So instead of replying I  threw a pillow at him. That just made him burst out laughing, completely shattering the peace I was in. I pushed myself up and headed towards my room. Scowling the whole way. Well, that was the plan at least.

But noo, Hermes is a massive pain is the ass and jumped on me like a little kid wanting a piggy back. I almost fell. But I refuse to give my brother any sort of blackmail over me so I just groaned and held his legs so he wouldn't fall.

"YEAH! WOO! GO APOLLO!" Hermes whooped and cheered the whole time. See what I mean? He is such a pain. Why do I put up with him everyday. Oh wait, it's because he's immortal. Of course. Now, if Percy was immor- I'm just gonna cut myself off there.

Once I made it to my room, I unceremoniously dumped Hermes onto the bed before also falling down onto the bed as far as possible away from him. He quickly sat up and looked at me with mischief twinkling in his eyes.

"The bed? Already? Please, wait till the second date~" He winked while getting into a position with his legs apart.

I rolled my eyes at his antics and looked him up and down, "With you? My expectations aren't that low." Get it? (It's because he's short). He faked offence and quickly lied down in a position similar to mine.

"So.." He drawled, "What are we going to do?"

I snorted, "We? We aren't going to be doing anything. I'm going to be asleep. G'night." I then closed my eyes, only noticing my mistake when he suddenly sits up in concern. 

See, gods don't sleep often, though it's not taboo or anything. We just don't get tired unless we do something major with our powers; which I haven't. I rarely sleep myself, I'm usually out partying or doing work. I rise the sun at dawn and set it during dusk- autopilot is a wonderful thing. I practically never sleep, and even when I do it's only for about four hours. And with my domains, it's a bit obvious when I do something draining: there haven't been any major heatwaves, no prophecies I've had to deliver, no new disease or miracle cure in Lourdes (kind of a bummer that they still believe that 'God' exists). 

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