I was downstairs waiting for Roman as he went to wake up Genie. He'd let me borrow another one of his hoodies to cover my neck because we didn't want his three-year-old sister asking what happened. Didn't want his parents to ask either, for that matter, because they'd probably be home soon. Though, they definitely knew or at least very highly suspected what we would have gotten up to. That was going to make things a little awkward for me when I had to see them.

"Aldennnn!!!" Genie screamed way too excited and loud for so early in the morning. She was too cute for me to not indulge her though.

"Hi little one," I said greeting her as she ran over. She desperately climbed onto my lap where I was sat at the table.

"Have you come to plays wiv meee?"

"Course I have," I replied.

"He's a little under the weather though, so only sitting down games please," Roman added as he got out some things to make food. "And only after breakfast."

"Okay! Are you sick Aldey?" Genie asked giving me a new nickname and leaving me perplexed at what I should tell her.

"We did lots of exercise, and Alden's a little sore now. You know like when you run around a lot all day at the park and then your legs get tired and they hurt a little the next day?" Roman said. Exercise huh? Technically he wasn't wrong.

"Ohh," Genie said making this cute little pouty oh shape with her mouth. "Are you swore too?"

"Not as much. But you know I work out all the time," Roman replied. It looked like he was making pancakes.

"Oh ya," Genie concluded before turning back to me. "Sometimes if I wake up suuuuuper early, Romey will let me exwercise wiv him."

I laughed at the mental image of little Genie lifting some little weights with her big brother. I loved how good Roman was his sister. It made butterflies flutter in my tummy at his interactions with her. It was so sweet seeing their relationship and how much love they clearly had for the other sibling. I wonder how things were with Roman's brother. I know he didn't feel that same closeness, perhaps, with Lorenzo, and what about Genie? It seemed like she barely got to see her oldest brother.

Roman served us the pancakes and I stuffed my face full like a little squirrel when he hides peanuts in his mouth.

"How does it feel Genie, to know that you're a less messy eater than a guy 15 years older than you," Roman asked his sister though he was staring straight at me with his eyebrows raised.

"Whats 3 plus 15?" Genies asked getting her little fingers out as she tried to count.

"18," Roman replied.

"I get really hungry after exercise," I said trying to justify my actions.

"Yeah, Romey. Don't be mean to Aldey! He just hungwy," Genie said just as we heard the front door being opened.

A few minutes later and Roman's parents were in the room with me chewing on one more mouthful of pancake as Roman, who was sat opposite me, tried to tell Genie off for spitting her food out onto her plate.

"Hi kids," Romeo said greeting us all.

"Daddy! Mummy!" Genie screamed excited again before getting off her seat and running toward her parents.

"Genie, did you spit your food out again?" Sofia asked scoldingly as she picked her daughter up and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"I was fwull," Genie replied.

"Then you don't put any more food in your mouth. Honestly how many times do we have to say this," Sofia said as she took Genie to the sink to clean up her mouth.

Romeo took a seat at the dining table beside his son and helped himself to some pancakes that were left in the middle of the table for anyone to grab.

"Did you guys have a good date?" Roman asked his father.

"Mmhm. It was a very good night. What about the two of you?"

Roman looked at me with a smirk. "We had a good night too." I felt his foot brush up against mine under the table and blushed at something so innocent.

And then suddenly Romeo grabbed his son's hand. "Who did you fight?" he asked sternly.

"I didn't fight anyone," Roman replied pulling his hand out of his dad's tight grip. "It was just sparring."

"Right. We'll talk about this later," Romeo concluded going back to his breakfast as Sofia came and sat down to join us.

Had Roman fought someone?


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