Chapter II - First Impressions

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She cringed internally, realising exactly who was directly behind her. She slowly turned around, meeting his eyes as he stood there, arm outstretched with her lanyard and card in his hand. Daisy stood there fumbled for a moment before realising that she had been staring at him, she quickly snatched her lanyard from his hand and mumbled a 'thank you' under her breath before turning away. Swiping her card and dashing through the barriers, not daring to turn around and meet his eyes once again, not one moment did she regret leaving his presence. She hurried towards the canteen, knowing well that it was busy at this time of the morning, people queuing for their free water and breakfast bars. Rushing into the queue, fumbling with her phone as she waited in line. Daisy didn't even want any water, she had a water bottle obviously snug in the side pocket of her bag.

She reached the front of the line and quickly grabbed a bottle of water, knowing fully well that she'd end up sticking it into her locker, which she had already selected the prime location for at the open evening. She pulled open her bag and pulled out the padlock and key, walking towards the set of lockers outside the maths classroom. Daisy approached the locker, opening it to make sure there was nothing in it, to her surprise it was still empty. She must have thought that lockers were easily taken within the first 10 minutes of the first day.

She placed her unnecessary items inside, spare books, the free water she was given, her charger and coat. After closing her locker door, she padlocked it carefully and made sure to tug the padlock so that she was completely sure it was locked, which was the normal thing to do, of course. It wasn't until she turned around that she heard the high pitched, screech of a wild Morgan, the dreaded realisation hit her as she turned around and heard the single, most frightening sentence of her entire life.

"Ugh, some fucking bitch has stolen your locker, Eleri!" she exclaimed as she stood there, hand on hip with a posture that just screamed "bitch". Her little possie had gathered around her, like some kind of wild pack of hyenas, which Daisy thought was a very accurate representation of them. One of her friends, which Daisy could only assume was Eleri, gasped and looked entirely offended, not surprisingly. "Morgs, should we like, find other lockers?" Eleri asked the 'gang leader', Morgan. "Nah babes, we'll just force this freak to give us their locker" which was exactly the response Daisy had expected from her, but Daisy wanted nothing to do with Morgan and could not afford to be bullied on her first day. Morgan's other minion said nothing, she was glued to her phone, not paying a single bit of attention to the situation unfolding in front of her.

Daisy stayed away, quietly observing the problematic trio. They eventually moved away, after a hefty amount of annoyed sighs, walking away in the typical "heathers" trio way, Daisy moved in to make sure they hadn't tried to break their locker like the typical bullies they are. She had no idea who the other girls were, Daisy thought they must have been friends since high school. Her locker was fine, no marks or dents, no passive-aggressive notes stuck on the front. Which she had experienced before in high school, and had barely managed to put up with the whole time.

She pulled up her phone, checking her timetable from the email she was sent by the college at the beginning of September. Daisy's lessons were a lot more spread out than her high school lessons were, because instead of being five to six, one-hour lessons, she was instead dealing with one or two, one to two hour-long lessons per day. Giving her a lot more free time to spend in the library or with a friend group, should she wish to join one. Her first lesson was Biology, which she was supposed to be in five minutes prior, but because she was concerned for the safety of her locker, and her stuff for that matter, she was now late. Daisy hurriedly grabbed her things and rushed towards the science department which was on the same floor, brushing past every student in her way like some comical teen girl on a show. After weaving in and out of students like a snake, she managed to guide herself into the science department and straight into the biology professor, worst possible timing.

"Daisy, is it? You were supposed to be here five minutes ago! Where have you been?" he was not a very subtle guy, she'd also heard from the girls in high school that apparently he'd moved institutes after "events" occurred. She didn't want to know, she also didn't want to make bad impressions either, so she went the neutral path. "Sorry about that, this building is so confusing and all the students make it very hard to navigate" she replied in a convincingly apologetic tone. He sighed and motioned her towards the already full classroom, she smiled and quickly paced into the classroom, taking one of the last few empty seats in the back.

Time flew by in the lesson, although it proved interesting to Daisy since she wished to major in medicine when she was at Uni, the lesson provided Daisy with some insight into medicinal effects on the body, depending on the area and function of the medicine. The lesson ended and she carefully packed her things into her bag, at which point the classroom was already empty. She stood up and was about to leave before the professor cleared his throat, Daisy faced his direction and smiled at him, not wanting to seem rude. "Daisy, can you please arrive on time next lesson?" he said quite calmly, to which she just nodded and quietly walked out of the classroom, heading towards the seating area in the main lobby of the building, where a few students had already set up study camp and began revising their morning materials.

She stood there for a moment before someone packed up and left, she caught the chance and took it, speed walking as much as she could to the table. Dropping her bag onto the chair nearby and unpacking her stuff, placing her laptop, books, stationery & water bottle onto the table. She was ready to remember the morning's information. She turned on her phone and checked the time, 10:35am, her lesson was an hour and thirty minutes long, and she didn't have a lesson until 1 pm. Giving her plenty of time to zone out and revise early, and she planned to do exactly that.

It wasn't until she looked up and noticed a familiar face approaching her, and she just started as she approached, eyes wide and heart beating fast. "Uhh hey, do you mind if I sit with you? I don't have anywhere else to sit", which was exactly a sentence she wished she had never heard, and would never hear. She cleared her throat and made sure her mask wouldn't get in the way of her speaking "Sure, that's fine" she said meekly, not wanting to embarrass herself in front of him.

"He" is Harvey. He's a 5 ft10 guy with blonde hair, the posture and the personality of masculinity mixed with a drop of testosterone. He approached Daisy as though he had just built the building, Daisy compared it to something she'd seen on Instagram about confidence. "I want all the confidence of a middle-aged, mediocre, heterosexual, white guy," she thought to herself. She wasn't entirely opposed to the idea of him sitting at the table with her, as long as he didn't distract her too much. Which, let's be honest, was not going to happen.

He pulled out one of the college's Chromebooks from his bag which he'd clearly borrowed from the library. He placed it on the desk with nothing else and began typing, Daisy presumed he was continuing work. He was actually just searching up his favourite football player's history. She continued listening to her music as she made notes on the biology lesson that morning, while also making some notes on interesting knowledge she thought might prove useful in her exams. It wasn't long until she began to feel hungry, checking her phone and noticing it was already 11:30 am, at which point the canteen would reopen for lunch. She neither wanted to abandon her stuff in front of him nor abandon him immediately for lunch. Which left one option she was not entirely convinced on doing.

"I'm heading for lunch, would you like to join me?" She asked as she stood up, grabbing her phone. He looked up and gazed at her for a moment before quickly standing up, smiling at her. "Sure, I was feeling hungry anyway" he responded as he closed the Chromebook. She began walking with him to the canteen, not even considering what she was actually going to get, as her mind was racing with questions.

Why was he even bothering to go with her? There was a Greggs literally down the road.

Why was he so nice around her? Maybe it was just because he was like that with all the girls.

Back and forth, nonstop questions and answers flooded her brain as she walked with him. It wasn't long before they reached the canteen, she snapped out of her state and had to focus. She did not want to seem weak in front of someone like him.

She had to make a good first impression.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2022 ⏰

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