Juno & the strange man

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The air was tense. Juno etched her way through the woods. Alert and light with the steps she took in an attempt to hunt. Using the skills she'd acquired throughout the fall. She was no master at hunting. But she was finding less food as each day moved forward.

She was equipped with everything but long range weapons. No guns. No bows. Although the idea of obtaining a bow hung in the back of her mind every time she scavenged through the desolate buildings.

The low rustling of leaves and earth brought Juno out of thought. It was mid summer. Her clothes clinging to her back. Drenched in sweat. No wind or breeze graced her screaming skin. The movement was alive.

In anticipation she brought her knives up from her side. With her legs bent at the knee she moved towards the noise. Steadying her breathe ready for an attack by the dead.

Before she got any closer she was thrown to the ground by a large force. As fast as it came, it left. The sound of trodding barely hit her ears

"What the fuck" She grunted. Laying on the ground still in shock.

Sharp twigs and stones digging into her arms. Pinpricks of pain grazing her elbows as she propped herself up.

"Was that a fucking horse" Juno breathed. Taken a back from the moment.

She took a minute to get up. The disbelief shaken from her. She grabbed her knives that had fallen from her grip. Luckily her backpack broke her fall for the most part. Juno stood up straight taking one last big breathe. She stalked through the trees. Towards the way the horse came from.

The trees in front of her seemed to just stop. As if the world hadn't loaded. Stepping forward cautiously to reveal a ravine. Her eyes lazily gazed the bottom of it only to land on a man who's faced reeked of distress. Something resembling an arrow piercing through his body.

"That horse must've been his" she mumbled.

"He don't look too good" She lifted her hand shading her eyes from the sun. Squinting down at him.

Her good conscience overpowered the anxiety that started to grow inside of her. She couldn't leave without trying to help him. If she was ever him in this situation she could only pray another would do the same.

He was sat hunched on the ground grasping at his impaled side.

The terrain didn't make it easy for Juno plan a way to get down. Nor did it help her find a way back up.

Juno knelt down, tugging at the roots. Shrugging her backpack off her shoulders. Hoping her contents will be safer up here than down the ravine. Juno shoved her hand in the bag, moving some things around until she found her tiny med kit. This had been with her since the start. Salvaging it from a burning ambulance in the city. She secured in the waist band of her trousers.

A small puff of air passed her lips. She turned around on the ground grabbing the first root. Tugging on it one last time testing the strength. She started her descent.

'You can do this' She tried to mentally reassure herself.

Her arms were shaking as she gripped onto the roots. Her feet barely resting on the ledges of the ravine. A few more moments of finding the right path passed. It was when she looked down and registered how high up she was something started to feel wrong.

Juno tried to push past her fear of heights throughout her entire time out in the city. Back then the only way around was going from roof to roof. The streets were past the point of return. Dead people roaming them, creating a sea of rotten flesh. It was surreal.

The root she was holding onto started to snap and string apart. Before she could grasp onto something else she felt herself falling. Her fingers scrambling to get a hold of something. Nail beds filling with dirt and grit. Juno's eyes gaping wide eyed at the sky.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2022 ⏰

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