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welcome to the end.
it's been four years.

as of existing, there are no more plots i can convincingly write philza's character into. i've enjoyed this journey with everyone, and with the mcyt fandom. this is my official leave from the fandom, and i thank you for the kind words that kept me going. i will start my journey on new books as of now. this book will stay up for as long as i can possibly keep it up.

for now, here's a final story before i go.
thank you.


the end.
what a vast place it is. in all my time here, renovating and decorating, battling and surviving, i still haven't managed to find the ends of this world.

how ironic. a dimension of the end with no end. but perhaps that is the way it is.

we die and we are reborn, so is there really an end to life? i don't think so, at least, not as long as mercy continues to exist.

this world makes me reminisce on all the times we've been through, my friends, family and i.

oh, and you too.

yes, the readers.

i know you've always been there, watching my and my alternates' paths. our stories will never end, but perhaps it is time to turn a blind eye and say goodbye, for the last time.

from a creator, builder, architect and adventurer's perspective, we will meet again. perhaps by another author, in another book, in another life.

but right now, our time has ended. it's over.

before i go,

thank you.

Philza OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now