Chapter 15: classmates

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I let those two first try to land an attack which they couldn't even touch me but I sensed that Katsumi was behind me so I gave her an elbow to her stomach and made sure she couldn't get up but breaking her air flow to the brain but before I did that I punched all around her body and then cut her airway.

She landed on the floor unconscious and I saw Katsuki trying to jump me but I dodged and punched his liver, "when will you learn none of you will be able to hurt me."

I then gave him a high kick to his head and after I grabbed his arm and broke it like a twig but then I stomped on his head to which he was unconscious, "anyone else?"

I asked all of them to which they shook their heads and Ling was laughing from what happened, "thank you for holding her Momo."

"No problem but what is your relation with her?" she asked me, "she's my and Ling's little sis."

"Wait, so your brothers?" She asked, confused, "No, in Chinese culture you call people sister and brother even if they're not related."

She nodded when I said that but I sensed someone nearby and I knew this person all too well, "are you going to stay there all day or help them?"

"Depends if you're going to cause more trouble, if not then it's alright" said eraser which I just shrugged my shoulders, "I've already finished so it's fine eraserhead."

"So you know me huh? Well I'm going to be your home room teacher class and I have some rules, don't do dumb stuff and don't bother me with dumb stuff."

"But sir how can a quirkless person be in the hero course?" Asked Ashido, "because he scored the highest on the test with a score of 179 points plus the way you are talking make me want to expel all of you."

"B.. bu... but w... why?" aked Ashido with a nervous tone, same with everyone, "because I don't want any fake heroes in the future I want serious and strong heroes like Tsuki and Ling. So better start training and go plus ultra, understand?"

Everyone nodded their heads to what he said but when he turned to me I thought he was going to lecture me for what I did but he said, "nicely done, unlike your sister."

I then saw Ikumi look a little sad when he said that but I just shrugged it off and went to the kitchen to cook for Eri because she seemed hungry to which I made her a sandwich, "make me one as well."

I made one and threw it at him to which he caught, "thank you." He then sat next to Eri and was eating with her but I went to my room to fix my hero costume to give to the school so they could give it to me.

I then heard a knock on my door and went to see who it was and it was Yoayorozu, "need something?"

"I just wanted to talk" she said but she seemed a little flustered d, "sure come in."

"So what did you want to talk about?" I asked her, "I just wanted to thank you again for helping me on that day and also to ask you something else."

"Sure ask ahead", I told her to which she hesitated a little but then asked me, "it's about why you are a vigilante?"

"That's all, well it's because of how I lived for a while." I started, "you see my sister and her friends have made my life absolutely hell on earth and because of that I need to learn but I couldn't just learn how to fight but also test it out so I became a vigilante around the age of 10 and still do it but might stop."

"Wait but why did your sister do that?" she asked me, " ask her because I would rather you hear it from her than me."

"Alright also you seem to not show emotion a lot, why?" she asked something I knew a little well, "because while I was working I just stop showing emotion and became more independent so that's why I'm like this."

"Oh okay, I need to go but I hope we can be friends Yagi." she said, "call me Tsuki, I hate my last name please."

"Alright Tsuki, bye." she said and left, "bye."

*two hours late*

I just got back from my run outside and I saw that Ling was sitting on the couch with Eri that she was reading a book. I smiled lightly but I got a stare from most of the guys, "need something?"

They were a bit spooked but kamanari asked, "how are you so fit and strong even though your... quirkless?"

"Hard work idiot." I said to which he said, "we know but there has to be something else."

"Nope just work hard and you will get what you want." I explained to which he gave up but Kirishima said, "That's so manly. Only by working hard can you get that strong."

"Yo Tsuki can I get a cig?" Asked Lin, "Later, don't smoke in front of Eri.'

"oh, sorry," he said. I just nodded my head and was heading to my room but everyone looked at me and then Tokoyami asked, "you smoke?"

"Yes, got a problem?" I said to which he didn't say anything and I left to go to my room to take a shower.

After the shower I changed to my casual clothes which was black pants with a blue t shirt and headed downstairs, "hey Lin where's Eri?"

"Sleeping in my room." he said to which I nodded and gave him a cig and we both smoked for a while but then teachers came to our dorms for some reason, 'why are they here?'

"Why are you two smoking?" asked Aisawa with an annoyed face, "because we can."

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