"It started in the library," he whispered, and she tilted her head up to look at him, but he was looking forward. He wasn't focusing on anything, but he looked back to the accident. "I was there. There was a girl; I think she was the third year, standing close to the explosion. I don't know if it was my mind making things up or if it really happened, but I'm pretty sure her arm flew off. Everything happened so quickly. One second I was picking out a book, and then I was on the ground. Things were flying everywhere. People were screaming and running away. Some caught on fire. Sylvie, it was bad. I don't know how I managed to get out so unharmed."

"Kelly pulled you out. Just in time as well because not long after you got out, the ceiling collapsed," Brett said softly.

"I recognized it," he admitted, and she frowned.

"The people?" She asked, and Matt shook his head.

"The explosion, the fire," he explained further, and her frown deepened. "I don't know how or what but something about it was familiar, and I can't figure it out. It might be nothing. I'm on many meds since I can't feel much," he brushed it off and shook his head again and looked down to see Sylvie's confused and concerned gaze. "I'm fine," he reassured and leaned down to kiss her forehead.

"I'm going to get a doctor to check you up," she said and wiggled out of Casey's hold and walked out of the room looking for a doctor.

Will Halstead walked back into the room and went over Matt's injuries and stats before asking if he could stand independently. Matt had nodded and shifted to the end of the bed, and slowly stood up on his own. It hurt a bit because of the bruise, but it was bearable, and he could walk on the foot. He had informed Matt that after the IV was down, he could leave, so he settled back down into the bed with Sylvie sitting there.

After some time, they had put up the wall again, separating the patients, so Matt felt he had more privacy even though he didn't mind if it was only a curtain.

When another blonde walked into the room, they were both in their own world.

"Hey," Shay said, walking in. "Do you know your blood type?"

"Woah, didn't know you had a boyfriend," Darden said once he stepped into the room, followed by Kelly and Matt's gaze immediately went to Kelly, and he frowned as if trying to remember where he had seen him.

"Oh, the fire," Matt said more to himself, but everyone in the room had heard it as well and turned to look at him. Matt had widened his eyes and flushed. "Sorry, I just meant I saw him from the fire," he explained sheepishly and subconsciously curled in on himself.

"I'm not dating Matt," Sylvie said but didn't move from her spot curled up beside Matt.

"What did I miss?" Matt asked, now alarmed and looking at Sylvie and the three strangers.

"Then you two are very comfy," Shay commented, sitting on the chair by the bedside.

"He's nineteen," she stated.

"And you're twenty-five," Matt said a bit sassily. "What are you talking about?"

"They think we're dating," Sylvie explained, and Matt's nose crinkled. "Hey, I'm a catch," she exclaimed and lightly slapped her shoulder.

"You are, but you helped raise me, so there's that," Matt said with a shrug. "Hey, a six-year age difference is not that bad."

"You're nineteen," she repeated.

"Which means I'm legal," Matt argued back, and Brett rolled her eyes, and Shay laughed.

"I like him. Where did you get him?" She said and smiled at Matt, who smiled back in triumphant.

He's Young - Sevasey FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now