4. Rumours and Regret

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Woooow the way I thought I already published this chapter but I actually didn't


Gus had a poisonous tongue and a 'talk now, think later' attitude. Without considering how his words could negatively affect other people, he made the rounds of each of his classes, the cafeteria, the library even. It wasn't a conscious decision, but Gus was acquainted with a lot of people because he had no qualms striking up a conversation with whoever he chanced upon. All of the conversations that day happened to be digging for information about Lex.

Gus had a thirst for gossip that would not be quenched until he found out whatever it was that Robbie wouldn't tell him. If he couldn't find out, he made it into a work of fiction.

"There was a run in between the new kid and the Williams brothers yesterday," Gus told his study group. He had been having the same conversation all day. This was his opening line.

"So they fought? That's not unusual."

That was the typical response that Gus was met with. The Williams brothers were prolific fighters, although it was more so Richard. People had stopped taking interest in the physical altercations Richard was involved in because there were so many. They were usually over petty differences or insignificant disagreements.

Gus remembered one guy that Richard beat to absolute pulp. He corrected Richard in class, and after that his parents decided to move him to a different school.

"No, I saw Lex this morning," Gus stretched his arms and linked his fingers behind his head. "There wasn't a scratch on him."

Rebecca looked up from her laptop screen. Her brows were furrowed. "But Andre has a black eye."

Gus sat up properly. "What? Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure – you can't really miss it."

Gus didn't know if Lex really had beaten Andre, and he would never discover the truth because neither Lex nor Robbie would ever divulge that information to him or anyone else. What Gus really wanted was for people to be as interested in the drama as he was. To do so, he would simply decide what was true.

Rebecca was sceptical after Gus offered his theory. "Weren't both brothers there though? He couldn't have fought them both."

There was always someone out to ruin the fun, Gus thought to himself. His interpretation of the situation was a reach, he admitted that, but as it got transferred from person to person, it would become real. Then it would be the truth. "Don't forget that he's capable of stabbing someone with a pencil. What else can he do?"

They made murmurs of agreement and Gus smiled.


It had been two weeks since Lex had started his new school and he was still getting lost. The buildings were easy enough to figure out – they were rectangles after all – but the room numbers seemed completely jumbled, like they had drawn them out of a hat as they walked the halls and stuck them on the closest door.

To make matters worse, his schedule did not specify which building each class belonged to.

It was between third and fourth period that Lex found himself lost. He had been to 24C before, and he knew where it was, he just didn't know where it was in relation to his current position.

Richard had been waiting to get Lex alone. He walked casually, quietly, to catch Lex off guard.

Lex wasn't surprised to see Richard. He was rarely startled.

"You know why I'm here."

"I thought I would see you sooner or later."

"So, you know what I'm going to do then?"

"I didn't do that to your brother's face," Lex looked straight at Richard, "or yours."

"I know, but everyone thinks you did."


"So, if I say it wasn't you then I have to tell them who actually did it, don't I?"

Richard was taking slow step towards Lex, closing the distance between them. Lex stayed still.

"And," Richard continued, "if I let them think that you beat us both, without making things even, then I lose my reputation."

Reputation. Lex didn't understand why Richard cared if people thought he was tough or not. Those who really were tough didn't actively try to make people see them that way, they just were.

"So, what then, are you going to hit me or not?"

Richard didn't need to be told twice. He punched Lex hard in the mouth. His head whipped back and hit the lockers behind him. The sound echoed and Richard looked around. The hallway remained empty.

"If anyone asks, tell them it was me."

Richard took off and Lex went to check that his teeth were still intact.


"That wasn't even what happened," Robbie said quietly. Just like yesterday he was speaking to Gus, but he was looking at Lex. Lex's bottom lip was swollen and split right down the middle. Robbie knew it was very likely that the inside of Lex's mouth had been cut up by his own teeth. It would hurt to talk, eat, and swallow.

"Well, that's what everyone thinks," Gus said.

"That doesn't make it true. It's not true." Robbie was still looking at Lex and Gus was getting irritated.

"Do you really believe him? You've known him for what, two days?"

"I believe his word over that of some repulsive attention seeker who decided to make up their own version of events they didn't even witness." Gus was startled by the cold tone of Robbie's voice. He was indifferent and his voice was flat most of the time. It was very rare for emotion to seep from Robbie at all. "People who spread rumours like that are vile."

Gus swallowed the lump in his throat and looked away. Being the way he was, plenty of people talked about Gus. Some of it was deserved – he was a big personality, and he did what he liked – some of it was derogatory. Robbie had never come to Gus' defence.

"They probably didn't mean for someone to get hurt."

Robbie looked at Gus. "Someone did get hurt. You shouldn't be defending someone like that."

Just like that, Robbie was gone, but the lump in Gus' throat stayed.


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