1. First Encounters

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Hello lol

So this is very contradictory of me, but I've decided to post this here just to see what kind of response it gets.

If people like it, I'll keep writing it.

Please tell me your thoughts in the comments


At the beginning of the school year, Lex had a meeting with the principal. It was up on the second floor of the school in a classroom that happened to be free. He always thought it was an odd place to exchange first introductions, as opposed to an office. The room that had been picked looked like it was used for art, or something design related, so perhaps the idea was to plant that impression – that the school was bright, colourful, accepting.

Lex's father was there too, he was a quiet and serious man as far as Lex could tell, but they didn't know much about each other. They had met for the first time earlier in the month and we were still feeling each other out.

He was scared to be alone with Lex, and Lex was just scared in general.

His therapist had joined the meeting per the request of the principal, to fully discuss his 'emotional needs'. Lex was curious to see how a public school planned to cater to his emotional needs when the whole premise of school was to make everyone the same. He was also curious to know what the therapist thought his emotional needs were, considering that he often lied to him.

"You're a very intelligent young man." The principal was looking through the pile of papers that had been compiled from Lex's previous schools. He looked pleased which meant he hadn't reached the ones about his behavioural issues yet. He licked his finger for every third page as he leafed through. Something about that had always made Lex uncomfortable. "I see that you've played sports before. We do pride ourselves in our sporting accolades, especially in our track and field events. It would be a good way to meet people."

"Thanks, but I'm not interested."

Lex wasn't interested in sports, nor was he interested in meeting people.

"I do always encourage new students to get involved with their peers, but that is something we can discuss later."

Lex ripped a hangnail with his teeth, and it began to bleed. He wiped the blood on the chair. When he had no more fingernails left to bite, he usually moved on to the skin around his fingers. It was hard and calloused from years of damage. He wasn't sure that his nails knew how to grow properly anymore, considering that it had been a long time since he had given them a chance.

"Can I ask what your expectations are?"

"I just want to graduate." Lex looked up for the first time since the meeting began. The principal's eyes met his. "And to be left alone."

"Ah well," he sounded amused in a 'kids these days' kind of tone. "School isn't a passive environment. People want to help you."

"It's not helpful if it's involuntary."

"Well, I don't want to invalidate your point, but if students didn't need help, we wouldn't have teachers."

"But aren't you invalidating the individuality of your students by assuming that we all need the same type of support?"

Lex's therapist nudged him as a warning to not start conflict where there didn't need to be.

The principal returned to Lex's records without another word. Lex suspected he was looking for something that would explain his behaviour. Perhaps he would find the notes on his general distrust of authority figures, or maybe it would be something about a series of incidents involving aggression towards other students.

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