Chap. 1

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"I'm sure we can find something to do," Derek said and laid down on the carpet, looking up at the stars. I sat up and looked at him, shaking my head at him in complete denial.

"For the whole summer vacation? I don't think so." I said and looked over at him. Derek closed his eyes and took a deep breath, so loud that I could hear.

"We'll figure something out." He answered. I looked up at the stars and then at the house behind us. That's where I've lived my whole life with my aunt Cherie, her second husband, Christopher, and my cousin, Derek. I looked in front of where we were laying, and down at the pool. It was so dark outside, that even the water seemed dark.

My parents are blurry faces I don't remember anything of, I know a bit about them. Derek once told me that he overheard his step-dad, Christopher, and his mom, aunt Cherie talk about my dad being an alcoholic and my mom being a drug addict.

I looked back over at Derek, he was asleep. What an idiot. I heard noises come from behind the fences, and I began feeling scared. We never have visitors this late, especially not from behind the fences. Then the fence door went up, and I gave Derek a hard push.

Derek had just come back from college, so that was why he was so tired, also why he didn't wake up when I pushed him. I got up and kicked him in the side, hoping he'd wake up. A person stepped into our yard. I prayed for my life, my heart was beating so fast and my breath was out of control.

"Jesus fuck, Deliah, you look like you've seen a ghost." It was just Leo, thank god, it was just Leo. He was our childhood best friend, and we never heard from him again after he left for college. I looked down at Derek, who was sleeping and back up at Leo.

I had a bit of a crush on him back then, too.

"You're close enough to a ghost." I sighed and walked closer to him, giving him a quick hug.

"Derek's asleep," I said and pointed over at him sleeping on the carpet that was placed in front of the pool.
"Who said I came here for him?" Leo asked and raised an eyebrow. Now I was the one raising my eyebrows.

"You didn't?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"I did but he seems to be pretty much asleep." He answered and smirked at me. I rolled my eyes and started walking back toward Derek to wake him up. I'm still surprised he didn't wake up from me kicking the shit out of him.

Suddenly, I got lifted from the ground. Leo was carrying me over his shoulder.
"Leo, put me the fuck down before I start throwing up all over you," I shouted at him.

"You have such an attitude, you used to love me back when we were kids." He disappointingly shook his head. Leo threw me into the pool, making me panic. I was screaming and cursing him out before my body collided with the water.

I swam up and gasped out for air, pushing my wet hair out of my face. "What the hell is wrong with you!" I yelled and got over to the pool ladders, taking two steps up before he towered over me. I got completely out of the water and groaned.

"I'm completely wet now, you jerk," I complained and tried to walk away from him.

He didn't allow that, making our bodies come closer to each other. He was so tall that I had to look up at him, and he had to look down at me.

"That's not a nice way to speak to your first kiss," Leo said and smiled, he knew what he was doing. I rolled my eyes at him and shook my head, disagreeing with him about it.

Yes, he may have been my first kiss. No, I don't want to go into details.
"Roll your eyes at me again, I dare you." Leo threatened and I kept eye contact with him for a minute, waiting with my thoughts.

He's so handsome, more than he was when we were younger. His dark hair is darker, he's taller, smells good, but still has the same dominance over him.

So I rolled my eyes.

I regretted that when he pushed me down in the pool again. I hate him so much that I kind of feel like killing him right now. I looked at him with a hateful look, while being down in the pool. He smirked.

"Say you're sorry and I'll let you get up."

I looked over at Derek, and he almost looked like he was dead. That is how much of a deep sleeper he is, but then I noticed his ears. He had AirPods in his ears this whole time we were out here and talking, and probably turned the volume up when he started feeling sleepy. I looked back over at Leo and kept myself up with help from my arms and legs.

"I'm sorry," I told him in the most unbelievable tone, not even I would believe that if I were him. I hate apologizing for something I haven't done - or shouldn't be saying sorry for. He likes to see the power he has over me, so I'll give it to him.

"I'm sorry, okay?" I shouted and got to the ladder again. Leo was satisfied, and I wanted to go and wake Derek up so we could go back inside so I could get my clothes changed.

He nodded and I got out of the pool. I was about to walk away from him, but he stopped me with an arm blocking my way. I was so annoyed at him, wanting to just push him in the pool so he could taste his own medicine.

Leo bent down to place a kiss on my forehead, pushing my wet hair out of my face with a smile. "Tell Derek I was here." He said and left the yard again. I groaned when I looked down at my wet clothes.

I went back to my carpet and grabbed my phone, checking the messages.

Aunt Cherie: Is everything alright out there? I heard some yelling.

I looked at Derek and removed the AirPods out of his ears, pushing him a few times.

Me: everything is fine, Derek's just being annoying.

Derek's eyes finally opened slowly, as he blinked a few times and sat up.
"Why are you wet?" He asked me and sat up on his elbows, scanning how I looked.

"I just... went for a swim," I said and looked behind me, at the pool. Derek looked more confused than ever, getting up slowly.

"With clothes on?" He asked again.

"Yes, with clothes on. Let's just get inside, it's getting cold." I said and grabbed my things again.
"Unbelievable that this is the treatment I get when I've just come home from college! I can't even sleep anymore." He complained.

"I'll let you sleep in peace when we get to our room, don't worry," I assured him and put an arm around his neck.

"Get off of me, you're making me soaked too." He exclaimed and tried distancing himself away from me, but I just kept him closer.

"Nope, I know you love it," I said and put my head on his shoulder.

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