Chap. 11

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I think it's safe to say, that I fucked all my chances and Deliah hates me. Well, maybe I can still save the 'relationship' between us, but she has been avoiding the shit out of me. I spoke to Derek about it, too. He told me to trap her where she couldn't avoid or ignore me, so I went to their house the next morning. I knocked on the door and was hoping that she wasn't the one opening it, and she wasn't. It was Chris.

"Hey, Leo!" He said and pulled me into a half hug. I immediately responded to his touch by patting his back a few times while hugging him.

"Hey! Is Deliah home?" I asked and looked around to try to get a glimpse of inside the house. Bright walls. Decoration at the same spot as usual. Though the family picture that's always on the counter was facing down. I suddenly wondered if something had happened.

"Yeah, she's upstairs in her room. Be nicer to her than usual, she's going through a rough time right now." He said and patted my shoulder. My brows furrowed in confusion. I didn't know I had hurt her this bad. She seemed angry and that only.

When I got to the stairs I saw Derek walking down with a mug in his hand. "Good luck."

That was the only thing he said while passing me. I sighed and got upstairs to her room, knocking three times before she opened it. I was about to back down on the third, but then I heard the footsteps coming closer. We immediately got eye contact. It was very intense. Too intense.

Dark circles under her eyes, she looked pale and her hair was in a low bun that was sticking out to every side, she was still in her pajamas, though she still looked beautiful. Her side of the room was completely trashed compared to Derek's, and I felt a pawn in my heart I hadn't felt before.

She didn't even say anything before trying to slam the door in my face, but I was quick enough to put my foot in between and push the door open harder than she was able to. Deliah let go of the door and took a step back, blowing the hair covering her face away.

"What did I tell you? Leave! I don't want to fucking see you, and I thought I made that clear." She exclaimed, her voice sounding raspy. I closed the door and walked closer to her slowly, though she shook her head at me.

"Just leave! Leave already!" She yelled at me, pushing me away by putting her hands on my chest and continuing to try to move me away with her weight, though it didn't work. I grabbed both of her wrists with my hands and forced her to make eye contact again.

Her eyes were turning glassy. Another pawn.

"I hate you so much." She whispered. Her hands formed into fists.

"Hate me as much as you want, but right now? I want to be here for you. That's the least I could do after the massive fuck up I made. I'll be your enemy some other day." I promised and cupped her face with my hands, she pushed them away and shook her head again, trying to push me away again.

Again, I didn't budge. I hadn't realized how much shit she had going on at home before seeing her like this. I guess she was having a temporary downfall, her life slowly shattering around the bubble that used to be perfect.

She turned around so she wouldn't have to face me and put her hands up to her face, her shoulder shaking and her head hanging low. I put my hand on the crook of her neck and slowly helped her turn around. Her hands fell to her side and it felt like my heart was crushed when I saw her crying. I put my hand on her cheek and caressed it, also slowly angling it upward to hopefully have caught her eye.

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