Chap. 14

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When I heard the knock on the door I almost ran so fast down the stairs that I was about to trip and fall. I tried to keep myself calm and collected before I opened up the door, but as soon as I saw Leo's face at the door, my face lit up. I welcomed him inside and together we went up to my room.
"So why am I really here?" He asked me while looking around, though he had been in my room before.

"Why not? It's always nice with some company." I said. He picked up a necklace and looked weirdly at it before putting it down again. Then he turned to me, and the eye contact made me get butterflies in the wrong places.

"Did you miss me?" I asked and crossed my arms over my chest, trying to look unbothered. He was eyeing me down, and the sexual tension was making my legs question their ability to make me stand.

Without a response, he walked over to me in silence. His cold fingers were touching my face, running down to my jaw from my cheek and he pushed a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Missed you? You have no idea." Leo told me and dipped his head down, till our noses were touching. I couldn't move. I couldn't.

When our lips touched it was like it brought me back to life. At first, it was one small kiss and I pulled away, but Leo kept pulling in for more and more. My hand was on his cheeks, and suddenly he put his hands on my ass and lifted me. I looked into his eyes and bit down on my bottom lip gently, suddenly feeling the same need to be so close to him. He placed us down on the bed, and I sat on his lap.

The first thing we had to get off was my shirt, and Leo was quick and smooth with it. His hands were roaming around my body, he was taking his time worshipping it.

"I can't believe this is all mine." He groaned and kissed my neck, grabbing my hair and pulling it, while leaving bites all over my body.

"I need this off too." He whispered and started tugging at my pants like a little child. I smiled and pushed him back so he was laying down, then forced his shirt off of him, to see his delicious body.

I undid his pants and got down on my knees on the floor. I removed his boxers and his cock was already growing bigger in my hands. It made my hand seem tiny. Leo sat up to watch me, and I looked up at him with a knowing look in my eye. He ran his fingers through my hair and waited patiently.

I slapped it against my tongue a few times before I started sucking the tip. I was just trying to do as they did in every other porn, and by the way, Leo's eyes were closed, I was starting to think it was the right way to do it.

"Stop teasing, fuck." He whimpered and let out a loud sigh. I went further down and used my hands to help, trying my best to fill my mouth with his cock but I kept gagging aggressively.

"It's too much for you. Come up here." He demanded. I got up from my knees and back on his lap again. We looked into each other's eyes and he pushed my hair back using his hands and then kissed me.

His dick was poking my ass from behind. "I wanted your pants off a hot minute ago, and I still do," Leo whispered and watched me slide them off effortlessly.

His fingers touched the fabric of my panties and then he chuckled. My skin was growing warmer and hotter by the second his fingers were grazing over my skin. He was taking his time observing my body, touching it as if he had never had his hands on me before.

But suddenly there was a knock on the door coming from downstairs. Leo's hands on me froze, and my eyebrows furrowed. Who was it? I knew everyone had plans, but maybe Derek had just forgotten his keys.

I quickly gathered and grabbed my clothes, forcing them down on my body again and getting up.
"Stay up here. It's probably just Derek." I said and stormed off to go downstairs. I ran down the stairs and hoped Leo didn't get annoyed. There was another knock, and that person must've been desperate to get the fuck in. I was already on my way to the door, so why stress me out even more?

Childhood Memories जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें