Irene nodded as she stepped down the podium and stood in front of Y/N, looking up at her, saying, "And I think you need some extra attention."

"Attention?" Y/N asked, she was way too confused to know where this conversation was going.

Irene stepped a little bit closer and she noticed how instantly Y/N's grip around the paper strained. She felt the hope inside her firing up a bit. Loved the fact that she still had the same control over her.

"Yes, attention. You'll need some extra classes to cope up and understand the concepts, Miss Y/N, "Irene said.

"What are you suggesting, Miss Bae?" Y/N's words came out almost an octave lower as her eyes were slowly darkening at the proximity.

Irene's breath hitched at the tone as she gazed at Y/N and scanned her face, reminiscing every small detail that she had tattooed inside her head.

Rosé, whom they both seem to forget was there, noticed the tension around them. It could be cut by a knife. Glancing at both of them for a few moments, Rosé decided to retreat from there.

Not wanting to get scolded for interrupting in between.

But, Y/N held her hand and stopped her from going any further. Irene looked away from Y/N's face and down at her hand as she almost cursed out loud in frustration. She backed away from Y/N and went back to her podium.

"I suggest that you come to my home after the university ends. I'd give extra lessons for today and rest we can decide later."

Y/N watched Irene taking up her things and simply brushing past her with the last statement, leaving a bewildered Y/N behind.

"Her home?" she muttered under her breath.

"Y/N?" Rosé's voice interrupted Y/N out of her trance and she turned around.


"Why was she behaving like that?" Rosé asked, looking at the hall's door.

Y/N's eyebrows furrowed and she asked, "Behaving like what?"

"Rude, "Rosé simply said. "Miss Bae was being rude to you and you didn't say anything?"

Y/N looked at her for a few moments and replied, "You don't know her... She wasn't rude. She just cares for me as a student."

Rosé shrugged, not wanting to ponder much on the thought, and asked, "So, are you coming with me, or...?"

"I'm going for lessons. Sorry, Rosie, "Y/N answered with a sad smile and bid her goodbye before walking down the hallway.

Irene, on the other hand, was already rushing to her apartment. She executed her plan but now she wanted to know if it worked or not. If Y/N would come or not. Even though she yearned for her, she wanted to know if Y/N yearned for her too or not.

After thirty minutes of the ride, Irene reached her apartment building and hurried through the elevator and to her floor. She took out her keys and opened the door to the apartment, stepping inside.

The adrenaline was way too high due to excitement as Irene started to fix things up and changed into something more comfortable. She decided to sit in the living room and wait for Y/N to come.

However, she felt the time was running way too slow for her liking. She checked her watch again and again, finding that it was only ten minutes since she sat down.

"Where are you, Y/N?" she muttered under her breath, looking at the front door.

And then, the bell rang.

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