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I stood there, numb, unable to process anything. Aryan would never do that...would he? Is that why Navya isn't talking to me? Something came across me and instead of walking towards Aryan, I walked over to Navya who was talking to a woman I did not recognize.

"Excuse me, sorry, but Navya can I steal you for a second?" Navya excused herself from the woman and I walked her to my room. As soon as I shut the door, Navya spoke up, "what happened Zoya?"

I took a deep breath before I spoke up, "I need you to be very honest with me, when Aryan did the hotel shoot with me, were you two still engaged?" Navya's silence scared me and for a second I believed Aryan was a cheater. "We weren't but our families thought that we still were"

I looked at her confused, "What do you mean?" Navya sighed and took a seat on the bed. "come here" Navya patted the bed and I took a seat next to her as she told me what happened.


Third Person POV

Aryan was standing in front of the mirror when his mother walked in, "You look so handsome my prince, you and Navya will be very happy" Aryan stayed silent, he had agreed to this engagement but he had a very numb feeling about everything.

After Ahaan and Suhana, no one bothered with the 'rule' anymore, also, Navya and I have had a close past which is why our families decided this alliance was suited best for the two of us. "What's wrong Ary? Are you not happy" "No mama, I am very happy, just nervous"

Gauri Khan smiled at her son and hugged him tightly but what she didn't know was that Aryan had gotten very good at lying about his feelings. Aryan walked down with his mother and greeted the Bachchans that had arrived.

Today wasn't exactly the engagement day, they would have a proper party for that. Instead, today the two families were meeting for dinner to confirm everything.

Navya was happily conversing with everyone and looking at designs for dresses and rings that Gauri Khan was showing her. Everyone seemed elated except for Aryan and Navya was the only one who noticed.

Eventually Navya was able to steal Aryan away from their families and brought him to his room. Aryan stayed silent when they entered the room so Navya broke the silence, "so this is going to be our room huh, Gauri Aunty was asking for my input on what to change. She wants to redesign it for us before we get married. Any preferences?" "No, whatever you like" Aryan spoke softly.

"Okay then the first thing that's getting out is your PlayStation" Navya joked hoping to lighten Aryan's mood but it didn't work. "Ary, are you not happy? And don't you dare lie" Aryan couldn't speak up, he couldn't break her heart like that.

But Aryan's silence spoke to Navya loud and clear. "you know whenever I brought 'us' up, you always shut me down because of the 'rule' but I knew in my heart that you just used that as an excuse to not break my heart"

"Aryan if you have no romantic interest in me, you don't have to do this. Just because I love you and I want to marry you, that doesn't mean you want to as well" Navya was in tears by now and that's exactly what Aryan didn't want.

"I'm sorry but to me you'll always be a friend... I didn't know how to tell you" Navya hugged Aryan tightly before telling him, "I saw her" "saw who?" "Zoya" Aryan froze.

He hadn't heard that name in ages. "What" Navya let go of Aryan and continued, "yeah I saw the girl that you haven't been able to forget all these years" "Where?" "In London, she's a model now"

Aryan couldn't help but smile, "she did it" Navya's heart broke seeing Aryan like that, she knew she could never take Zoya's place in Aryan's heart. "Wouldn't it be great if Zoya worked for GKD as a model?" Navya said, giving Aryan an idea.

~End of Flashback~

Zoya's POV

I sat there patiently as Navya finished telling me what happened. She told me "we decided to keep our decision a secret from our families until you came...we didn't know if you would agree to work with GKD"

I took a minute to absorb everything. Navya made me wonder whether I even deserved the position or that was all Aryan's power. "When did your parents find out about your decision?"

"At the beginning of your hotel shoot" I nodded as I took that all in. "Can I ask you for a favour?" Navya asked softly. "Anything" She took a moment before she continued, "keep him happy"

I nodded, "I promise" I felt terrible. I took away the man she had been in love with her entire life. No wonder she wanted to maintain her distance.

Aryan's POV

I stared at the message Navya just sent me. The party was over and all the guests had left. I just got out of the shower and was sitting on my bed when Navya texted me. 'She knows' That one small message was enough to tell me what she meant.

Zoya knew about me and Navya. I didn't want to tell her but I should've known she would find out sooner or later. Zoya didn't seem mad at me the whole party but I was still worried.

I looked at the time, '4 am', no way she was still awake. I decided to talk to her tomorrow but there was one person I really wanted to talk to right now.

I walked out my room and stood outside our home library. My father was sitting on the sofa going through some papers. Always working. "Baba" I said softly.

He whipped his head around and clutched his chest, "Ary you scared me" I laughed a little at his reaction. He can be so dramatic sometimes. "It's 4 am why are you awake?" "I could ask you the same thing baba"

He rolled his eyes and asked me to come sit. "I have to talk to you about something" My dad was still looking through his work and just replied me with a 'hmm' so I continued, "How did you know that you wanted to marry mama?"

That made him divert his attention from his work to me. Before he could say anything I added, "I mean I know you asked her to marry you like twice and she rejected you but eventually the moment she asked you, weren't you scared? Weren't you worried? Like your career had just started. Actually it hadn't even started. Didn't you think about how you were going to support her?"

My dad looked at me for a second and replied with a simple, "no" "Yeah imma need more explanation than that" He laughed at me asked, "why are you asking me all this at 4am?" "Just...please" "because she loved me and married me when I had nothing. Even though she didn't like the idea of this industry, she was the most supportive person I had. She was ready to fight her parents and everyone around her just to be with me. That's how I knew"

I stayed silent and then spoke up softly, "oh" My dad placed a hand on my head and brought me to his lap, "do you love her?" I nodded. "do you constantly want to be around her?" I nodded. "when you're upset, do you want to just lay down next to her?" I nodded. "does she make you want her more every day?" I nodded.

"Then you love her" "but what if she doesn't want to marry me?" "You'll never know until you ask. I asked multiple times" I laid there in my father's lap as he patted my head and I drifted off to sleep.

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