Sleepover pt- 2

69 2 1

Song- pov
Artist- Ariana Grande


I wonder what Kiyoomi and mom are talking about. I hope it's nothing bad.. I was deep in thoughts until I hear Sho call me


"Ah- Sorry Sho.. I was just spacing out" I reply

"Are you thinking about Sakusa and your mom?" 

"Yeah.. I wonder what they're talking about. I hope it's nothing bad" I reply while scratching the back of my neck awkwardly

"Don't worry. I'm positive that it's nothing bad" She replies as she gives me a pat on my shoulder

"Yeah.. I'll just forget about this for now and hangout with the others" I said as I smiled at her

"Sounds like a plan" She replies while chuckling 

Me and Sho sit with everyone sitting around the table in the living room. After a few minutes, mom and Kiyoomi come downstairs. He walked over to us and sat beside me.

 "Kiyoomi, what did mom talk about?" I whisper to him

"Nothing" He whispers back in my ear

I just blushed a bit and realized he doesn't have his mask on. I don't too but still. He looks really handsome. No wonder all the girls wanted him.

"Guys! Let's play truth or dare" Mina said to everyone

Everyone agrees. Me and Kiyoomi were hesitant but still agreed

"Okay! Let's start! I'll go first. Akane, truth or dare?" Mina asks Akane


"Did you and Komori ever make out?" Mina asks while smirking

Akane and Komori blush

"N- No. We didn't" She replies

"Aww.. okay!" 

"Okay. My turn. Bakugo, truth or dare?" Akane asks Bakugo, calming herself

"Tch. Truth" 

"Since when did you like Todoroki?" 

"Ever since we were in middle school" He replies blushing


"SHUT UP! Kirishima! Truth or dare?" 


"Plank for 30 seconds, and while doing it, say one thing you love about racoon eyes"

"Got it"

"I love everything about her" He said while planking making Mina blush 50 shades of red

"You're so manly!" Kaminari said to Kirishima

"Thanks bro! Jiro. Truth or dare?" 


"Who was your first kiss?"

"Denki" She replies blushing. Kaminari blushes too

"Ochako, truth or dare?" 


"Who confessed first?"


Like that everyone gets their turn except Me, Shoto and Kiyoomi

"Y/N, truth or dare?" Kaminari asks me


"Sit on Sakusa's lap for the rest of the game"

"W- What?!" I reply with my face as red as a tomato

"Come on. Sit on my lap" Kiyoomi said in a deep voice which sounded really sexy and pulled me on to his lap, making me yelp and puts his arm around my waist. How can he say something like that with a straight face?! 

"You two are seriously perfect for each other! Why don't you two just date alreadyy" Mina said with hearts in her eyes

Everyone agrees

"L- Let's just move on. Sho, truth or dare?" I ask her


"On a scale of one to ten, rate your couple life"

"100" She replies blushing while Bakugo's face turns into a tomato


"Sakusa, truth or dare"


"I dare you to make out with Y/N for 1 minute"

"Okay" He replies

"Let me start the timer" Akane said as she pulled out her phone

"And... Start"


"H- Hey-" Before I can complete the sentence, Kiyoomi kisses me feverishly, one hand on my waist, and the other on the back of my head. I froze for a moment, taken aback by the action, before responding.

He tilted my head to the side, bit on my lower lip and pried open my mouth with his tongue deepening the kiss. The fight for dominance was short- live as he held me tighter in his arms. My hands, which were clutching on his shirt, travelled upwards and tangled in his black- curly hair. Then, I broke the kiss, needing air and panted as Kiyoomi traced his hungry kisses down to my chin to my throat heading towards the sweet spot between the crook of my neck.

"Kiyo- omi~" I moan silently so that it would be audible only to him

Then, he comes back to my lips. We continued to kiss until...

"Time's up!" Akane exclaims

I broke off the kiss as soon as Akane exclaims

Sakusa POV

We continue to kiss until Akane exclaims that the time was up. She breaks off the kiss as soon as Akane exclaims. I feel really disappointed. I wish we can continue this.. I will make you mine soon Y/N

"I... have no words" Mina said in a low voice

"That was really manly Sakusa!" 

I turn my head towards Y/N. She was a blushing mess. She looks really cute while blushing.. As much as I hate to admit it I owe one to everyone. They helped me plan all this after all. Yes, I suggested Mina that we play truth or dare before coming over het started to turn me on ever since she sat on my lap. But, her moan just turned me on even more. Now, everyone except Y/N know my feelings for her. But... 1 minute was not enough. I need more. 

I have always loved her since we were kids. I promised her that I would never leave her. But.. The promise was broken. I was depressed. A few days after Y/N left to Tokyo that time, Motoya, my cousin, comforted me a lot. He introduced me to volleyball. I was slowly starting to get out of darkness. Since then, I've been cold to people. I didn't want to get close to people because I'm afraid they'll leave me again, like she did.  I can't even imagine a life without her. I liked- no, I loved her. And I still do love her. No one can replace her spot in my heart.  A lot of girls wanted to go out with me. But, the only person in my heart was Y/N. I always waited for her. I waited and waited... But.. She still didn't come. I started to have less hopes. And then... One day.. I met her again. But, I couldn't recognize her. She lit up my world again. She is my world. She brought me out of the darkness completely. I love her to death. I will never let her get hurt again because of me. I swear I'll protect you.. my love.. Y/N..

To be continued...

Guys! I will be creating a sasunaru story soon, so make sure you check it out! - A/N <3

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