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Within hours, Lance's body was found in the nearby river, as though he had drowned. It was the same river where he loved to take his cocottes for late night swims. And everyone in the palace knew that he'd always been drunk, so it was believable.

The royal doctor found no irregularities, and Kathlina knew that magic played a part in that. The stab wound had disappeared, and everything added up to drowning being the cause of his apparent death.

Still, with everything, the queen felt extremely guilty. She had no one to confide in, and the secret was killing her. Her servants had given her their condolences, and some even asked about the screams that night. But because their fighting was sometimes so constant, it didn't make them suspicious of her. She was the kind-hearted queen after all, and no one would think that she would do something so evil.

Lance's funeral came shortly after, and the kingdom grieved but also wasn't scarred. He wasn't a great leader, and the people had never entrusted him with their lives. It was Kathlina who they loved so much, and that would never change. Being a widow, and a woman in grief, she found her solace to be quite dreadful. She wasn't grieving his death, but the fact that she was the cause of it.

"Are you okay, My Queen?" Rain entered Kathlina's chamber, and headed beside her by the window. After hearing the traumatic news, which hadn't shaken the kingdom like she'd think, she just had to check up on the queen to see if she was okay,

"Rain," Kathlina turned, and placed her hands on Rain's waist, "I really missed you."

The glimmer of hope in the queen's eyes quickly faded, as Rain stepped back from their embrace.

"I, I can't. I belong to another now," there was hesitation in Rain's eyes, yet there was something telling Kathlina that the woman in front of her was her next test.

Was she supposed to kill her, or love her? Rain held no impurities, so Kathlina's heart trusted the latter. But how could she have Rain, when the woman was already engaged?

"I know. I'm sorry, darling," Kathlina never thought that she'd have a future with Rain by her side. But with her husband's unexpected death, she was able to remarry in the near future. Was marrying Rain her definite next test? Penzal had stated that Kathlina needed to follow her heart, and that's exactly what she was about to do, "do you love her?"

A tear escaped Rain's left eye, and she quickly turned to wipe it away. She didn't want the queen to notice any reluctance on her part, not when she'd be married in a matter of weeks.

"There's always compromises to make, I," Rain took a deep breath, and stepped back further. The queen knew that Rain loved her. Rain had whispered those words countless times, but Kathlina never reciprocated it.

"Do you still love me?" Rain knew that Kathlina was only acknowledging her confession because of the king's death. If he was still alive, they wouldn't even be having that conversation.

"You made your choice countless times. You expect me to continue to fall to my knees for you?" Kathlina reached for Rain's hand, and placed a gentle kiss of the back of her palm.

"I expect you to realize that I've always felt the same for you," Rain had wanted to hear that for all the nights that they'd spent together, but yet, Kathlina couldn't say the actual words. I love you would have been so simple to say, but Kathlina never understood the power those words held to the ears of someone. Without saying it, it could mean little to nothing because of uncertainty.

"You can't expect me to know when you've never said it. I have feelings, Kathlina, and you might be the sweetest woman to walk the galaxy, but you're emotions are that of a rock!" Rain pulled away, as her body began to tremble. She needed to leave, and never see the queen again, if that was possible.

Kathlina had never heard her name roll off of Rain's tongue. It made her heart thump inside of her chest. And even as Rain stormed out of her chamber, she knew that she had to do anything and everything to win her back.

"That was fast," Penzal whispered beside Kathlina. Kathlina stumbled back from being startled, "oh, sorry, sweetheart. I didn't mean to scare you."

Kathlina took a deep breath and nodded, wondering why Penzal was back so soon. She couldn't have completed the second test yet.

"Time for the third? I think you're understanding what all these tests are about by now."

"But I don't understand," Kathlina admitted. It all had to do with Rain? It can't be.

"Let me give you a clue. None of your ancestors ever followed their hearts. That's why they never fulfilled the tasks needed for everlasting life."

"This is all about true love?" Penzal nodded, smiling that Kathlina finally caught on.

"Yes, sweetheart. Follow your heart and the road to success is quite near. Only two more tests and you'll be rewarded," Kathlina swallowed. How could she be the only one to go after true love? How did none of her ancestors pass? "None of them even completed the first test, you're the one and only."

"My parents loved each other. I don't--"

"Your father fell in love with someone years before he met your mother, but followed the path that he was obligated to than to follow his heart. He did love your mother, but she wasn't his true love."

It was a lot to take in at once, "I'm the only one? That means this is the first time you've been sent to do this?"

"No, no, there are many royal families on the planet. But the details don't matter. I'm off until you complete the next. Goodbye, sweetheart."

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