"Follow me, My Queen," Kathlina knew that Lance was probably off to bed one of his many cocottes. She sighed, as the water enveloped her body, soothing her tense muscles, that had been sore from squirming under the passionate touches by Rain for most of the night.

"Thank you, Qaz. The water's lovely," the servant stood in the corner, overlooking the Queen in her bath. Many women in the palace had fawned over Kathlina, and a lot of men did too. Sexual Orientation was one of the greatest things about the Kingdom, Xiano, since everyone was accepted, even though men still disliked the right.

Kathlina had never placed a label upon herself, but she'd never slept with a man either. In her defense, she'd attempted to a few times, but never actually went through with it. A woman's touch was unlike a man's. Kathlina didn't need to feel a man's shaft to know that she wouldn't enjoy the lovemaking. She needed a woman's body to connect with hers, soft lips to comfort her own, and delicate hands to touch her aching skin.

Growing up in royalty was one of the most difficult possessions in Katalina's life. If she was a mere commoner, she probably would have ran off with Rain a long time ago.

She still could. But how could she abandon her people? She was the Queen, and obligated to make sacrifices for her land. Even though it meant that she had to put up with that overbearing man, with eyes of steel, wandering where they shouldn't.

When her skin had softened enough, she rose from her bath, only to be wrapped in a cotton cloth immediately. A soothing breath fanned her ear, and as she turned around, her servant stood in front of her with lust in her eyes.

"My Queen, I could make you feel better, if you let me," Kathlina frowned. What was it with everyone wanting to bed her? The only person who she wanted was Rain.

"No, dear. I'm worn out for the night," she decided against scolding the young woman, "light a few candles for me?" Qaz nodded with hurt in her eyes. Wasn't she beautiful enough to be taken by the Queen? What did Rain have that she didn't?

"Of course, My Queen," Kathlina closed her eyes, as Qaz dried her skin. Qaz's eyes savored the stunning curves of the goddess's body. She bit down on her bottom lip, as her eyes travelled over the smooth curve of Kathlina's groomed mound.

As Qaz's fingers brushed against Kathlina's opening, a moan left her lips. Kathlina could almost visualize Rain beside her, stroking her softly, and leaving love bites on her neck.

Rain was the only woman who Kathlina had ever allowed to mark her. It symbolized something deeper than just lust. The feelings that she possessed for Rain was unlike any other, but she'd never confessed to it, she couldn't. Not when she could never leave her marriage.

"Qaz, have you ever made love to a woman?" The question caught the young servant off guard, but made her eyes glimmer with hope.

"No, my Queen. I've always wanted to save myself for you—" Maybe it was the denial of her intense feelings for Rain, or the pulsing of her hormones, but as Kathlina guided Qaz into the bath, she lost all thought.

"Take a bath first. I'll wait for you," Qaz nodded and began to discard her clothing. Kathlina headed over to her bed, and closed her eyes, as her back hit the bedsheets.

She'd bedded many servants, but after meeting Rain, she'd devoted herself to only her. But maybe it's time head back to her old ways, where she didn't save herself for just one woman.

"My Queen," Kathlina opened her eyes, only to see the naked body of her loyal servant. She never knew that Qaz could be so breathtaking under the layers of her clothing.

"Come here," the queen purred, stretching her hand for Qaz to take.

"I've dreamt of this for so long," Qaz confessed, as the queen's eyes darkened with lust. At that moment, Kathlina wasn't thinking about Rain or her duties to her Kingdom. All she thought about was being able to take the beautiful woman in front of her.

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