he bowed down to aang, "yes please."

aang agreed and the general left the group to ponder the situation.

"the question is, how are we going to stop that thing?" aang asked as everyone stared at it.

they all turned toward sokka, even stumpy who was in sennas arms.

"why are you all looking at me?"

"you're the idea guy." senna said with a shrug.

"so im the only one who can ever come up with a plan? that's a lot of pressure."

"and the complaining guy." senna added, "and the kiss some other girl when he already has a girlfriend guy."

now that shut sokka up quickly. aang looked at katara confused. "i'll explain later." she whispered and he nodded.

members of the terra team ran up to the group in a panic, "please, you've got to help! one of our soldiers is badly injured!"

"coming!" senna yelled, running after the soldiers. the group followed her and watched her pull out her bending water and tried to heal the guy.

she looked at katara, "his chi is blocked." she put down her water in defeat, "who did this to you?"

"two girls ambushed us. one of them hit me with a bunch of quick jabs and suddenly i couldn't earthbend anymore and i could barely move. then she cartwheeled away." he explained.

senna stood up and looked back at katara, "ty lee. she doesn't look dangerous, but she knows the human body and it's weak point. it's like she takes you down from the inside."

sokka thought this was good news, "ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh!"

"what!" senna yelled.

"what katara just said! that's how we're going to take down the drill! the same way ty lee took down all those big earthbenders!" he exclaimed.

senna understood what he was thinking, "by hitting its pressure points! sokka, you're a genius!"

he blushed, "i try."

senna smiled softly at the boy who smiled back at her. look she hasn't forgave him yet but that doesn't mean she can ignore him forever.

"we'll take it down from inside." aang declared.

they all went down to the wall, "once i whip up some cover, you're not going to be able to see. so, stay close to me." toph said, as she kicked the ground, lifting up an enormous dust cloud.


the group all followed her through the dust. once they had gotten close enough to the drill, toph stopped them and earthbended a hole in the ground.

"everyone into the hole!" she ordered.

they jumped in one after one, and soon enough they were engulfed in darkness.

"it's so dark down here, i can't see a thing!" sokka complained once again.

"oh no, what a nightmare!" toph said, sarcastically.

"sorry.." he responded.

toph earthbended everyone out of the ground and under the drill where they found a hole large enough for a rock slab, and used it as an elevator to get them to pass in. they all jumped in one by one, except for toph, who stayed put.

senna looked around and they were in a large tunnel surrounded by pipes, valves and switches. senna placed stumpy in a bag that she found in the library way back.

stolen away, zukoWhere stories live. Discover now