"Fuck!" Jiang Cheng shouts, white hot liquid coating Wei Ying's hand. Wei Ying doesn't stop stroking Jiang Cheng until he hears Lan Zhan's quiet moan, his body going taught beneath Jiang Cheng. Jiang Cheng falls boneless onto Lan Zhan, Wei Ying pressing down on both of them for a few seconds before falling to lay beside them.

Lan Zhan strokes Jiang Cheng's sweaty hair while Wei Ying's hand sweeps up and down Jiang Cheng's back.

"I just need a minute," Jiang Cheng murmurs, eyes closing tiredly.

Wei Ying snorts in amusement. "Take all the minutes you need, baobei. We aren't going anywhere." Wei Ying gets up long enough to get a washcloth to try and clean them all up as much as possible. Once that was done he settled himself next to Lan Zhan leaning over to give him a lazy kiss.

"After this case is over, should we retire?" Wei Ying asks. "I can be a very handsome house husband while you and Jiang Cheng open up a quaint bakery. Our ducklings can be your taste testers."

"Fuck that," Jiang Cheng growls.

"Hey! I would make the handsomest house husband!" Wei Ying says ingdignatly.

"Our bakery would be successful," Lan Zhan says haughtily.

"Of course it would! You took your lessons from Yanli very seriously and out baked her now but you'd hate it after awhile. We all would," Jang Cheng says. He's still sprawled out over Lan Zhan with his eyes closed.

"Running a bakery might not be as exciting but I'd only have to worry about you or Lan Zhan getting a burn from the oven," Wei Ying argues.

"Wuxian, how many cases have we worked on since I started at B.O.C.A. seven years ago?"


"And out of those hundreds how many ended with one of us having a serious injury?"

When his question is met by silence Jiang Cheng opens his eyes to look at Wei Ying, who is refusing to look back at Jiang Cheng. Jiang Cheng lifts up so he is kneeling between his two mates. Lifting his hand he traces a scar on Wei Ying's abdomen.

"You took a claw to the stomach from that harpy eagle shifter that left you bed ridden for four days. You were a pain in the ass the whole time, but you never once complained about the wound itself."

"I'll gladly take a thousand wounds if it keeps you and Lan Zhan safe."

"Wei Ying..."

Ignoring his mates Jiang Cheng continues, "Here was where you were bitten by the lion shifter," he says, touching the scar on his left arm. Wei Ying has other little scars littered across his body but most were superficial and came from fighting in his human form. Jiang Cheng shifts his focus over to Lan Zhan, placing his palm over his right hip.

"Here is where that rhino shifter impaled Bichen with his tusk. When you went down my heart stopped for a moment but you popped back up angrier and more lethal than ever. The scars on your back are from falling on that hedgehog. The fucker didn't have to grow to the size of a large dog making the impact even worse. Wen Qing cursed all thirty-three spikes as she removed them from your flesh but you never even flinched."

"You've fallen down an abandoned well and broke your arm. What's your point?" Wei Ying asks, impatiently.

"My point is that out of hundreds of cases that we have successfully handled there have only been a handful where one of us has gotten hurt. Our chances of getting into a car accident is more likely than getting seriously hurt while doing our job," Jiang Cheng says. "Jingyi and Yuan fell down all the time while learning to walk. We hated every bump, bruise, and scratch they got but we didn't stop them from getting back up and doing it all over again."

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