Chapter Sixteen

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A/N: Warning: Zhuliu is a major creep.

11 years ago

"Congratulations," Zhuliu says, his hot breath hitting Jiang Cheng's bond mark. If he were in his bathroom at home, surrounded by his mates this would be a joyous occasion. Since he is not, his stomach rebels and he scrambles to throw up in the toilet and not all over himself. He just makes it...barely. Not having any food in his stomach he spits up bile that burns on the way up. Laying his sweaty forehead on the cool toilet seat he waits his churning stomach out. Only when it finally settles does he stand up. He feels awful and that feeling is about to get even worse. Zhuliu takes a key out of his pocket and goes about taking the chains off the cuffs, leaving the cuffs secured around his wrists and ankles. Shifters can continue to shift into their spiritual animal up until their third trimester. They are cautioned to not use their spiritual tool. Jiang Cheng didn't have a spiritual tool until his mom gave him Zidian, but Zhuliu has it locked up somewhere.

"Take your clothes off," Zhuliu orders.

"Are you going to watch me shower?" The shower stall has a clear glass door and will give Zhuliu a perfect view.

"Yes, now strip."

Jiang Cheng's skin crawls as Zhuliu stares at each new piece of skin revealed by his disrobing. He ignores Zhuliu as he turns the water on and steps into the shower not waiting for the water to heat up. He almost groans as the cold spray shifts to being hot and it starts to soothe his tired body. The way Zhuliu is watching him keeps Jiang Cheng from making any gratifying sounds. If he was at home he would take a moment to just let the hot water ease his achy muscles before washing himself, but he isn't at home so he cleans himself quickly and methodically. When he is done he shuts the water off and the door opens for him. Zhuliu has a towel open waiting for him to step into it. Zhuliu wraps the towel around Jiang Cheng, holding him in a tight hug for a few minutes before letting him go. Jiang Cheng has never dried himself off so fast. He lets out a small sigh of relief as Zhuliu hands him a clean set of clothes. Those he puts on without prompting.

"I'm going to leave the chains off for right now." Zhuliu leads him into the kitchen where a bottle of Sprite and a box of crackers are sitting on the counter. "For your nausea."

"I can cook if there is food here," Jiang Cheng offers. Ning and Xuanyu need better food than the frozen crap Zhuliu has been feeding them.

"Help yourself, but don't get any ideas about stabbing me. Think about the baby in your belly and the boys downstairs," Zhuliu warns.

Jiang Cheng gives a jerky nod. He can't say he hadn't been thinking along those lines but he would never intentionally give Zhuliu the chance to hurt his unborn child or Ning and Xuanyu. Jiang Cheng turns away from Zhuliu to rummage through the cabinets and refrigerator. He is surprised to see both areas well stocked and wonders just how long Zhuliu plans on keeping them there. He pulls out rice, brown sugar, dried cranberries with nuts and milk to make a sweet porridge. He remembers his mom saying that congee was the only food she could keep down for the first few months of her pregnancies. Sipping on the soda he pours equal parts rice and milk into a pot. He adds the sugar and turns on the heat to medium. As it begins to gently boil Jiang Cheng breathes in the sweet scent. The pleasant aromatics settles his nerves and makes his stomach growl. He takes down five bowls and sets them on the counter. He could give two shits about making sure Zhuliu and Chao are fed, but he's playing nice.

"Can we bring Ning and Xuanyu up here to eat at the table?" Jiang Cheng asks, quietly.

"Sure." Zhuliu takes Jiang Cheng by the elbw to lead him downstairs. Wen Chao is alreading eating his bowl of porridge on the couch. Jiang Cheng didn't even notice him coming out of one of the bedrooms.

Wen Ning and Mo Xuanyu look relieved at seeing Jiang Cheng. When Xuanyu opens his mouth to say something Jiang Cheng gives a subtle shake of his head to shut him up.

"I made porridge. Wen Zhuliu is allowing us to eat upstairs and then you will have a chance to shower," Jiang Cheng says softly.

Once they eat, Zhuliu let's Xuanyu use the bathroom first. He doesn't stay in the room to watch like he did with Jiang Cheng, but he does stand right outside the door. Wen Ning and Jiang Cheng move the dirty dishes to the sink and begin washing them.

"I'm pregnant," Jiang Cheng whispers. He can see Ning pale upon hearing the news.

"I'd congratulate you but..."

Jiang Cheng bumps his elbow into Ning's. He knows what Ning wants to say. He doesn't find this a great time to be finding out he's pregnant either.

"I'm not worried right now about myself. Zhuliu isn't going to hurt me. He has it in his head that I'm going to be his mate. I'm more worried about you and Xuanyu."

"He's going to kill us," Ning says matter of factly, shrugging slightly. "It's what we thought he would do."

"I'm going to get you guys out of here. If Zhuliu keeps me close I can observe and when an opportunity presents itself we'll be ready," Jiang Cheng promises.

"You can't do anything reckless, Cheng-ge. You're with a child. Let me see your wrist."

Jiang Cheng holds his wrist out so Ning can check his qi. "I'm not as good as jiejie but you're at least six to seven weeks along. I can faintly detect a heartbeat that doesn't belong to you or Sandu."

"Stop your whispering. It's Nings turn in the shower," Zhuliu says harshly. Xuanyu shuffles out of the bathroom wearing a t-shirt that is two sizes too big and pants that are too long. It makes him look younger than his thirteen years. He settles in next to Jiang Cheng while Ning goes to shower.

"Can they stay up here a little longer? I saw a pack of cards in one of the drawers. We can play a game," Jiang Cheng asks, pitching his tone to be sweet.

"For a little while. Remember there isn't anywhere you can run to. If you try you'll be eaten by the wolves before you reach civilization," Zhuliu threatens, bearing his teeth in a menacing way.

"We'll remember," Jiang Cheng bites out.

"You do that, little wolf."

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