chapther six. Knowing another world

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OK before I start I just want to say happy new month everyone, and sorry for not updating in a while lol. hope you understand, I saw this pic above and fell in love so I had to show it anyway😂 let's continue

The whole room became a silent graveyard after menma's introduction,no one dare say a word ,they only looked at the boy in front of them who gave the introduction. Boruto got tired of the silence in the room and rather irritate by the boy, and spoke
" What do you mean you are an Uchiha,that's not possible, the only Uchihas remaining are sensei and his daughter sarada, and why did you call sarada your sister when she has no siblings and how do you know about the nine tail it doesn't make any sense".

Naruto told his son to quit it and earned a 'tsk' from him, the other turned their attention back to menma hoping he has some answers, but he said nothing he didn't even look in boruto direction, sarada worried that her loudmouth friend has angered the raven hair boy asked him
"Are you ok menma ", the boy only replied with a "Hn".

Shikamaru observing the boy and with he said earlier made a discovery but in order to be sure asked
"Menma it's obvious that you're not from here but I what to know something"..... He paused and menma raised his head to look at his smart ass uncle catching on to what he is getting at .... "Who are your parents were you came from " .
With that question attention was turn back to menma, who after hearing the question, a fox grin appeared on his face and without beating around the bush answer the man's question;
"Well my father is Uchiha Sasuke, and my mother is ..."
Menma could feel the tension he has created by pausing his sentence so his did what any crazy unpredictable kid would do and pointed to the blonde male and said "Uchiha Uzumaki-_Namize Naruto".putting his hand back down and giving one of his famous large smiles the resemble that of his mother's.

"WHHHHHHAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTT" after processing what has been said by the boy ,the two men ,sasuke and naruto turned to look at each other then turned the other way to avoid the other the already noticeable color of pink and red on the each one faces, Shikamaru, Sai and kakashi were a little surprised knowing the blonde feelings towards his former teammate, but still shocked about it, Ino and the three genin were frozen on the spot.
Menma looked around him to see there reaction and it was indeed a funny thing to witness especially from his parents.

Kakashi recovering first from the news turned his attention to menma "how do we know if what you are saying is in any way true." Menma turned to his with a poker face and answered "seriously kakashi-oji san, i literally look like the combination of the two", he said pointed to his blush dead parents before sighing "but I guess it is ok to have your doubt, after all everything is not what it always seems in the shonobi world is it?". That got everyone attention again kakashi ,Shikamaru and especially Sasuke were surprised by the answer he gave and Sasuke some what proud.
Menma continued" so if it will help aunt Ino can perform the mind- body justu for you all to see my memories and prove myself", before anyone has a chance to talk sarada spoke
"Menma, Ino-san already tired but could not get like something was blocking her justu"
Menma then turned to the said woman narrowing his eyes for a moment before coming to a realization, with wide eye he moved to Ino bowing his head in apology "gomen, Aunt Ino I didn't know he was blocking my memories, he didn't intend on hurting you sorry" he said bowing his head to her, Ino was marveled at the high level of respect the boy had so assured him that it was alright which he quickly responded with a smile.
Naruto picked up something menma said asked ;
"Menma what do you mean 'he' Menma gave a smile while awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck "don't worry about that,it's a little hard for me to explain so when you all talk to him he will answer all your trust me". Naruto only gave a nod as Ino began the justu the next minute they were teleported to a dark room and an image of menma's memory began to play

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