Chapter 2

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A/N: Hey everyone! I hope you're doing good, or at least okay. With what's happening in Ukraine, I'd like to just say that for anyone affected, or who has family (or friends!) affected, sending you (& your loved ones) all the love and blessings! Stay safe and healthy, everyone. With that said, I hope you enjoy this chapter :) 

By the way, I'm not gonna use any swear words in this fanfic, because it may make some people uncomfortable. You can replace the words I use in this fanfic as whatever words you like in your head, if you know what I mean. Otherwise, I just wanted to mention this because I know some people prefer "cleaner" fanfics, if that makes sense. Okay, enough of my rambling. Enjoy & lmk what you think, or if you have any advice/feedback!

Being a baby is surprisingly boring. It shouldn't have been surprising, but oh well, Pottermore didn't sort Aria- Phoenix into Ravenclaw for a reason. 

Her brother was fricking adorable though. He's so tiny. Her new parents barely took care of them, or even payed any attention to them whatsoever. It was mostly Kreacher who cared for them.

It's been about a month since she was reborn. A month. It felt like this has been going on for years.

It's time Phoenix start planning what to do. Well. Where do you start planning. 


Ugh. This is hard, why can't Voldemort just be dead or something? It would make things so much more convenient for Phoenix.

Maybe there's no Voldemort in this universe. I mean, there wasn't a Phoenix Black in canon. Better hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. 

Okay. She'll start with her hopes. She needs some positivity in her life after all. Well, if there's no Voldemort in this world, what will she do?

She'll become a witch! No, wait - she already is a witch. 

She will then become a Dark Lord. Not a Dark Lady, Dark Lord sounds better. Phoenix is female, but Dark Lady is just not it. She won't be the Voldemort type of dark lord. More like mwahahahaha-I-saved-a-cat-from-drowning-I'm-so-evil type of dark lord. Yes. 

She'll name herself... Ariana Grande's Evil Twin. 

Okay, Phoenix isn't the best at coming up with names - guess it runs in her blood.  

Honestly, what kind of parent names their child Phoenix and Sirius. 

What's her middle name anyway? Her parents never told her. Or maybe she was asleep by then. Either way, she bets that their middle names are equally bad or worse than their first names. Sirius and Phoenix? Come on, they could've done better than that!

What would she do if Voldemort is alive though... She's not sure. 

Phoenix has to plan for the worst. 

Okay. When did Tom Riddle rise as Voldemort?

It must've been the early 70s, if Phoenix recalls correctly. 

Yes, it must have been the 70s. 

Okay. I've got this. What day is it? 

Internally, Phoenix started scolding herself. Why hasn't she thought of this before! She could've kept track of days, but instead she was a useless baby rethinking her life choices - no, not her life choices, more like, her past life choices? It doesn't matter, the point is, Phoenix wasted all that time.

Okay. Okay. Okay.

Everything is alright. Nobody is dying, nobody is hurt,  what about the kids starving from poverty- No. Focus. Everything is okay. Deep breaths. 


Where was she?

Oh yes, she was going to figure out the date. 

Assuming that this was canon, which would be a blessing and a curse at the same time, that would mean... Sirius Orion Black was born in November of 1959. That's what she remembered. For some reason she had the urge to memorize all the characters' - now people's? - birthdays and names, back when she was a teenager. She supposed it turned out to be helpful, after all.

November of 1959. What day was it... It was... Something with a 3! Yes, it had a three in it. Maybe it was the third? That feels right. She'll go with that, unless someone proves her otherwise. Okay, that's some progress.

So, from what she knows, it should be late 1959. What else does she know or need to know.

The Black family is a rich, and ancient family - or so they say. Phoenix doesn't understand how you could claim to be ancient, and be proud of it. Honestly, why? 

What does ancient even mean? Every family is ancient with that logic, because we all come from orangutans or monkeys or whatever. So, because we all have monkey ancestors, we all are ancient? Huh? Why do these people need to flex that?

What kind of sick family did Phoenix get born into?

What if they're not actually rich, and they just pretend to be for status? Ooh! That would be some good ol' drama!

Right. She's getting off topic again. Focus.

So if Voldemort is alive, what will she do?

She will become a new, more powerful Dark Lord. 


And then... she will destroy all the Horcruxes and kill him, and marry one of the Marauders. Not Pettigrew though. She can't have Sirius, since he's her brother. Or maybe she coul- Honestly, the Black family is known for- 

No. She's not gonna do that. Nuh-uh. Nope. Not happening. She prays the Marauders look like - or rather, grow up to look like - the fancast. 

Hmm, if they look like the fancast, then maybe Regul- nope. She keeps forgetting she's related to them. 

Who's left then? 

Moony, Frank, James, and... Who else was there? Snape? Mulciber? Some other random Death Eater? Yeah, no thanks. 

She wishes she was born James's sister. That would've been so much better. At least then she would've been spoilt rotten. 

There's still Malfoy- no, he'd be too old for her. He's probably going to start Hogwarts soon, if he's not already there.

Wait. She's like a baby right now, why exactly is she thinking about this stuff? WHY THE HECK IS A BABY THINKING ABOUT MARRIAGE?

Phoenix isn't even going to bother at this point.

She was so caught up in her thoughts, that she didn't notice it already got dark outside. Now she was lying down in her bed. An entire day passed and she didn't even pay attention. 

She would have felt bad, but it's not like she could've done anything productive either way. 

Baby vision is trash. 

Baby hearing is meh. 

Baby muscles are just- umm, we don't talk about those.

Baby senses are odd.

Baby attention span is nonexistent (Sirius, we're looking at you), so she couldn't have interacted with the pink blob that was supposed to be her twin brother.

Just like that, another boring day was over. Phoenix was NOT excited to repeat this same routine for another few months, before her mobility skills improved.

A month wasn't supposed to feel like much. She's over 20 years old already! 

It's brutal out here.

Olivia Rodrigo, save me please! I don't have a phone, or a laptop, or an iPad, or WiFi, or- or- or anything! 


Ah yes, Phoenix was displaying signs of internet addiction. Good ol' social media addiction.

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