Irene immediately looked at him and threw him a sharp glare, answering, "It's none of your business, Eunwoo."

The group suddenly came to silence as they all shared troubled glances.

Irene knew what was bound to happen when she decided to sit in the conversation. She silently stood up and walked out of the group circle, not minding their pleas to come back again. 

The relationship was a sensitive topic for Irene. Which she never wanted to be scraped again. After what happened to her before. 

"I fucking hate relationships, "she mumbled under her breath as she slumped down in her chair, rubbing her palms on her face.

Trying to distract herself, Irene opened her laptop and started to do her work rigorously, but today her unconscious mind was not in her control. She stared away from the screen to her framed photo on the desk as her mind wandered to an unpleasant event in her life.

It was almost a year now since that certain event happened in her life. Irene remembered every detail vividly and the pain with it too. 

A year and a half ago, Irene and her boyfriend, Bogum, whom she loved to death proposed to her. She was so happy that she couldn't find any describable words to explain her feelings. She felt like she was on cloud nine when Bogum held her close and promised.

"I'll never leave you, baby girl. I love you."

"I love you too, Baby..."

However, the blissful feeling of being engaged and the aftermath of taking the relationship weren't showing themselves to Irene.

Now and then, Bogum and Irene would fight, even over the smallest things.

"How can you forget my birthday!?" Irene shouted at the top of her lungs.

Bogum gave her a piercing glare, replying, "Because I had some work, Irene. Don't be a child and try to understand me."

"Understand you?" tears started to well up in her eyes. "I've been doing that every single day, Bogum! When you're late from work and come in the next morning, I try to understand. When we decide to go somewhere together and you simply decline, I try to understand. When you cancel our dates or forget our anniversary, I try to understand."


Irene broke down in front of him. "I try to understand you, Bogum. I do try. But, have you? Have you tried to understand that your fiancée just wants your attention? Have you tried to understand that I want to spend some time with you but you every time deny me? Have you!?"

These small fights became much more rigid every day. 

Started by avoiding each other to not talking to each other for months. Irene got used to it. She thought that when they married and had a baby Bogum would understand.

However, she was very much wrong.

"Who is this?" Irene questioned as she threw his phone at Bogum.

Bogum stared at the screen and looked up at his fiancée in horror. "Baby--"

"Don't fucking call me that, Bogum?" Irene said through her gritted teeth. "You have been cheating on me? For how long, huh?"

"Irene, it's not like that--"

Irene threw their vase on the floor as it shattered to pieces. "Shut up! Just tell me... How long has this been going on?"

"Seven months..." Bogum replied, his voice trembling.

Irene couldn't help but laugh at the pettiness of her life. She raked her fingers through her hair and felt a lump forming in her throat. 

"Y-You have been cheating on me for seven months and I didn't even know it? Wow."

Bogum stood up as he tried to reach out for Irene, but she stepped back.

"Don't touch me. I-I don't want to be near you, "Irene announced.

She picked up her phone and her wallet before running out of the house, leaving Bogum forever.

From that day onwards, Irene's trust and philosophy about relationships changed. Being an emotional person, the breakup hurt her more than she could ever think. 

Irene shivered slightly at the vivid memory and shook her head to shrug off the feeling. Opening the water bottle with shaky hands, she took a huge gulp of water to calm herself down. 

A sudden knock on the table stunned her and Irene looked up to see Eunwoo standing there.

"Hey, Irene."

Irene put her water bottle away and she stood up, looking at him with utter confusion. "Hey."

Eunwoo scratched his head and said, "I'm sorry for offending you back there... I shouldn't have asked you a question like that."

Irene waved her hand in dismissal, replying, "It's okay and I'm sorry too... I snapped out there. So, yeah."

"Well, if that's settled, "Eunwoo squared his shoulder as a smile formed on his lips, "Yujun has invited all of us to a club. She wants to celebrate her engagement with us. Do you wanna come?"

Irene looked at him and then at the crew that was staring at her with hope. She sighed lowly and replied.

"Sure. I'll go with you all."

Eunwoo smiled as the group behind cheered silently. 

"That's the spirit. See you at the club, Irene."

Irene gave him a small smile and nodded not knowing that her whole life was about to change after a single decision.


The first chapter and a break-up happened. Poor Irene :(

What do you guys think about it? I'm trying my luck again this time and also the experience too!

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