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After the incident with concubine Al Linfei, the other concubine who originally wanted to join the fun with Al Linfei stayed quite within their quarters. The day Al Linfei made a ruckus, Longwei gave her 10 slaps in the face and 30 flogging; he didn't care if she was the prime minister's daughter. Her screams echo to the whole mansion that it gave a fright to the other concubine. Now 2 weeks have past but the atmosphere within the estates is still low. Concubine Al Linfei is still in her bed to reciprocate. She already complained to her father but until now her father is not doing anything. This makes her more furious than ever.

"Did my father send me something?" She asked her father's subordinates in front of her. Her face is not their usual color because until now she is still in pain. The second prince didn't even give her an ointment for her bruises. She gritted her teeth while trying to sit up.

"Young Lady, the prime minister can't do anything right now. If you didn't know, the whole palace is in chaos. The empress is making her move now so the prime minister can't give you his priority. But the prime minister said that after they kill the second prince you will marry the first prince and be an empress at that time they will give the current wangfei of the second prince to you to handle." The subordinates said. "Also the empress already has a person beside the wangfei right now. She will call that person to the palace for a talk. So be patient and wait for further arrangements." He added

After all that he hurriedly walked away he didn't know that a hidden shadow guard of the second prince was trailing him out of the mansion.

In a flash after those incidents two months passed like nothing happened. Lu Biyu's pregnancy is stable, his mood swing is the only problem.It gives Longwei a headache that every time he needs to control his temper. One time he lost his temper and he shouted to Lu Biyu, it shocked the entire mansion when the news spread. This is the first time that the second prince lost his temper to the wangfei. It also gave the other concubines some ideas but they also shook those ideas they didn't want to be like Concubine Al Linfei.

The shocked Lu Biyu that day cried so hard that he started to hiccup with his face full of tears. He looked at the second prince then ran away. He ran to their quarters, with an aggrieved face he started to pack his things. The second prince followed him inside when he saw that Lu Biyu was planning to leave. He hurriedly grabbed his hands to stop him from going outside.

"Wife, I didn't mean to be angry and shout." Longwei said while trying to cupped Lu Biyu's face so that they could face each other. But Lu Biyu really didn't want to look at him.

"I-I'm going back to my parents house" He said then ruthlessly swang the hands of Longwei.

Longwei looked at him with an obviously hurt expression but he still forced himself to give some instruction for Lu Biyu's safety.

"Okay, Pay attention to yourself. Don't just eat those sour foods, you need to balance the food you ate. Also don't trust anyone beside your own family; not even your family servant. Do you understand, Wife? I'll visit you tomorrow." After that he gave Lu Biyu his favorite forehead kiss. Longwei instructed the coachman that will drive the carriage when he got out of the room.

Lu Biyu just stays inside but his stears still don't stop from falling like waterfalls.

"Stupid Longwei *sob* he really will let me go home to my parents. Maybe-Maybe he didn't want me anymore that's why he got angry with me and then he didn't care if I go home to my parents house *sob* I'll tell my father that he bullied me so that father will smack him." He talked to himself while crying. " Baby, your father no longer wants us so we will go back to your grandparents house." He added while caressing the obviously small bump of his tummy.

After a while the carriage is ready, Lu Biyu's things are already inside. He entered the carriage with a heavy heart and was still crying. The servants who saw this also want to cry because the wangfei has been crying for hours now he didn't stop even a second. After he entered he hurriedly lifted the curtain of the carriage hoping that Longwei would forbid him from leaving but until the carriage left the gate Longwei didn't even look at him. He just stands there but not looking at his leaving carriage instead he is talking with his right arm man. He cried more because of this scene. He can't believe that Longwei really doesn't want him anymore.

"BASTARD LONGWEI! STUPID LONGWEI!" He shouted, making sure that Longwei would hear him.

The bastard and stupid Longwei:.................

The right arm man who became the props a while ago looked at his prince and shook his head.

On the other side the empress looked at the letter and read it again.

" The falling out is too soon. I thought they would last for a year but look at them separating, Poor Lu Biyu." After saying those words she burns the letter.

"That servant gave this? I thought that one is a loyal servant of Lu Biyu. How come he agrees with this?" She asked her subordinates.

"That servant is not loyal at all. We just said to him that we will give him money and status he agreed on the spot." One of the subordinates said with a sneer.

"Well a servant is a servant, they also want to empower their owner."

"Then give him a second job. I want the child in Lu Biyu's belly gone and if he can get rid of Li Biyu also. Give him the powder that can kill the baby inside of the mothers womb. He just needs to add that powder to any water and food that Lu Biyu is eating. Silver will not detect that poison." She said then dismissed their mini gathering.


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