Chapter 2

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Iris POV

Italy! We were on our way to my so-called house and I got bored so I decided to text the group chat.

Iris: My two parents overdosed on drugs. Finally!

Iris: Oh, it also turns out I have biological brothers that I never knew about.

Iris: Those two men you saw were my eldest brothers.

Iris: The one who looks freakishly like me is Alessandro and he is the eldest.

Iris: And the other one is Alessio and he is my second eldest brother.


Maddox: Well it's about time those two old hags died.

During the car ride, it was very awkward. Both Alessandro and Alessio were tense. Alessio looked like he wanted to say something multiple times. It was getting annoying. "Look Alessio, just say what you want to say to me. You have been trying for the past 20 minutes and it's getting painful to watch"

He looked so shocked and embarrassed but he continued. " Well, I just wanted to let you know that It's great to see you again and that our home is now your home too." I just stared at him trying to process if what he said was true. Instead of responding I just looked out the window. I heard a sad sigh come from Alessio which for some reason made me feel bad.

A little while later my phone started buzzing with text from "The Trouble Trio" group chat. Ooops, I may have forgotten to tell them what happened.

"The Trouble Trio"






Iris: OMG! WOULD YOU BOTH SHUT UP! Let me explain.

Jax&Madox: You better.

Iris: Okay so don't be mad but I'm moving to moving to Italy. When?

Iris: I was wondering if you guys would move to Italy with me. I already have a mansion there that you guys could stay in.

Jax: Of course! We will both come with you. We never leave each other behind. And HEY! I think they're HOT.

Iris: You do know they are my brothers. You know what, let's not talk about my so-called brothers.

Maddox: Yeah, what do you think about your new "Brothers"? Are they treating you well so far?

Iris: They seem alright. I mean I just met them. They are hella rich and I feel like they're hiding something.

Jax: Well, I would do a background check, just to see if they are hiding anything major.

Iris: Yeah I was planning on doing that on the plane.

Iris: Okay well we made it to my house. I'll text you guys when I land in Italy.

Iris: Bye Losers!

Maddox: Okay be safe. And let us know if you need anything.

After putting away my phone I saw that both of my brothers were looking at me. "Okay, well this is my house, so you guys can just wait here and I will be right back." When I told them this they didn't look too pleased. " Actually we will be coming inside to help you and take a look around," Alessandro said. I just rolled my eyes and went inside to get my things ready. I mean It's not like I care about what people think but I don't want them to see how I have been living. What if they decide to send me back.

When I went into my room, well if you could even call it that. My room consisted of a worn-down mattress with an old ripped blanket. I grabbed my backpack and put some Important things in there, like my gun, my phone, computer, and a few pairs of clothes. I don't really have much here because all of my stuff is in my other mansion. Now Elaine and Frank may have been poor but I am really wealthy. I am a very famous assassin and with that, I make a lot of money. I kept everything that I didn't want to get destroyed in my mansion so my parents couldn't take it. With that thought In my head, I decided to text the group chat so they could pack up the mansion for me.

"The Trouble Trio"
Iris: Hey could you guys pack and ship my stuff to the new address I sent you?

Jax: Yeah, no problem.

Maddox: Okay, got it.

Iris: Thanks text you guys later.

Once I finished texting the group chat I went to Elaine's and Frank's room to see I should take some things. I looked around my mother's stuff and didn't find anything worth taking with me so I just went back downstairs. When I went downstairs I saw both of my brothers waiting for me. " Are you ready?" Alessio said. "Yeah let's get going". Once we made it to the car we started to the airway. I remember my brothers telling me there were others. I wonder How many other brothers I have? " Hey Alessio, How many brothers do I have?" "You have six older brothers. It goes Alessandro, me, Valentino, the twins Leonardo and Lorenzo, then there is Emilio ''. Wow, that's a lot I thought.

I had just noticed that we were now approaching an all-black private plane called "The Romanos". The jet was beautiful and I was shocked but I didn't let that show. I just kept my face the same and observed my surroundings. All three of us had made it on the jet and were taking our seats. Not even two minutes in, an air hostess comes in to take our orders or more like my brother's orders. She didn't even acknowledge I was there. She was too busy trying to get into my brother's pants. After getting their drinks Alessandro decided to speak up. "We have a long flight ahead so you should get some sleep. There is a guest bedroom that is available for you to use, Alessio, will show you to it". I decided that I was a little bit tired so I agreed and went into the guest bedroom Alessio showed me.

Once I was in the bedroom I got my laptop out and decided to do a background check on my so-called brothers. After a little bit of digging, I found some interesting things. Hacking into their database was too easy. They need to upgrade their system. It seems that my brothers are the Italian Mafia and that I am the lost Italian Mafia Princess. To say I was shocked was an understatement. I decided that I would play with them a little bit since I knew about their secret but, for now, I am going to sleep because this bed is fucking great.

Regina Della Morte Where stories live. Discover now