I spin around on my heels and see my girlfriend, Eleanor, smiling at me, "Hey, beautiful."

I grab her by her waist and pull her to me and place a kiss onto her soft lips.

Out of all the girls I have dated at this damned school, she was by far the best kisser.

"Mmm" she moans softly into my lips. I chuckle and pull out of the kiss and lace my fingers through hers.

"So I was thinking we would go to my uncles restaurant tonight? Have some dinner and study?" I ask her.

She rolls her eyes, "No... Let's go to your house and make out like we did yesterday" she smirks, gently squeezing my hand.

"Baby, I'm tired of going to my house all the time. Can't we ever go on a date somewhere?"

"To your uncle's restaurant? Cmon, babe, that's lame" she says. I roll my eyes. Everything was lame to her. Everything.

I groan, "Then where? I only suggested there because we can eat free."

"Cheapo" she mutters under her breath.

I release her hand and stop walking, "Excuse me?"

"Well, I was just saying, you have all the money in the world and you want to eat somewhere for free?!"

"El, you know darn well I have to use my own money to treat you! My parents are the rich ones not me! If I wanted to go on a date and pay, it comes from my own money!" I say annoyed and continue walking down the hall, to my locker.

"Louis, wait baby, I'm sorry" she says running after me. I stop and turn around as she comes and meets up with me, "Babe, I'm sorry. We'll eat at your uncle's restaurant."

"No, I don't want to go out with you tonight anymore. Plus, it wouldn't work because you know I have to tutor that stupid kid today" I tell her.

Every Thursday, I have to tutor this freshmen because my dad thinks it would be good for me to put on my college résumé. Even though I declined it, many times, he insisted and got me to tutor the boy.

Eleanor frowns and pouts, "Can I come and sit in while you tutor him at least?"

I shake my head, "He barely even talks to me when no one is there. For sure he won't talk to you if you're there" I say and continue walking to my locker.

"Please baby" she begs then slides her hand into mine, "Please?"

I get to my locker and kiss her deeply, into which she moans, like always, "No" I say pulling away. She frowns and the bell rings.

"Got to go, see you later babe" she says happily, kissing my lips quickly and walking down the halls to her first period.

I sigh and watch her ass as she walks away, enjoying it swinging back and forth.

"You're so fucking luckily, Tomlin, you know that?"

I turn and see my best friend Zayn standing there, enjoying the view as well.

"Ha, thanks. Sometimes though, she can be such a pain" I say.

"Mmm, I would love to just put her in her place. Damn!"

"Quit looking at my girl's ass!" I say and playfully slap his face.

He chuckles and slaps me back. This was our normal thing. We always slapped each other but never hard enough to hurt.

I finish up at my locker and Zayn and I start walking down the hall to our first period. Our classes are right next door to each other which works out perfectly because I meet El in the morning and then when she leaves, Zayn steps in. I'm never alone.

"So, mate, wanna play some football after school?" Zayn asks as we start walking.

I chuckle, "Man I wish but I-"


"Hi there, mate! I wish but I have to tutor that stupid freshmen" I groan and roll my eyes.

"Yea, sucks your dad made you do that. Does it actually help him or do you not know-" he stops and whistles at a hot girl that walks by.

"Hey" she smiles and waves as Zayn winks and smirks as she walks by. He walks backwards, enjoying the view.

"Dude, you were saying..." I say, trying to snap him out of it.

"Right, do you actually help him or do you not even know the material?"

"No, it's easy shit. He is in like the lowest level mathematics that there is but, you know whatever" I say as we start getting closer to the classes.

The late bell rings and kids run to the classes trying not to be marked tardy but as for Zayn and I, we couldn't give a shit.

"At least that's good" he says and stops at his classroom, "Catch you after class!" he says. I nod and he walks into his class. I hear the teacher asking him why he is late and I chuckle before walking into my first class and get ready for my teacher to do the same.

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