Chapter one

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Robert P.O.V

I walk into the alleyway dreading that I don't get pushed and kicked by mean people. It always seems like I am always going to be pushed so I purposely don't have a mattress to sleep on. I always have worries that I will not get food during the mealtimes in the day, My bullies beating me and feeling defenseless, and being rejected by normal people besides the mattress one. I think I may have anxiety, but I don't truly know. All I know is that I worry a ton, my concentration can be off sometimes, muscles aching from time to time, and difficulty sleeping like weekly. Luckily, I have a little side that protects me from my horrible life and this possible anxiety, but I really can't release it and let all of my worries go away because I look like a kid and get bullied a lot. My bullies always missed treated me and badgered me since I was sixteen and living on the streets still. I have been on the streets for at least when I was thirteen and back then I only had to worry about my future and people rejecting me. I actually had multiple foster families, but they were all the same with me being abused, not getting enough food, and leaving me on the streets to die. Also one of my bullies was in one of my foster families, but I never got his name and now he doesn't even want to say his name. My bullies would also tell mean things to me like "You don't deserve to be an adult, you deserve to be crying for your parents to come, but they would never come," and "He is so small, he looks more like a child than an adult," as they would always abuse me.

Even worse my bullies aren't really teenagers and the oldest is thirteen and they are kinda tall like I am five foot flat and the shortest is I think 5'3. I keep on walking into the alleyway I feel like someone is stalking me for a good hour, but when I always look back, no-one is there, I sigh as I continue to walk in. I hope one of my bullies isn't stalking me because that has happened before. I walk to where the worn out mattress were and found that I was the first one here. I pump my fist for excitement and went to the most worn out mattress because I got here first another time and got thrown off the best mattress and at that point there weren't any mattress left so I slept on the ground like I basically do all the time.

Unlucky one of my bullies showed up, but showed up injured. I have fought him many times before and almost won one time, but lost because I couldn't take a defensive stance and fell to the ground. This time I am at full strength and I can show these bullies to stop bullying me for good. I walk up to him and yell "What's up loser."

"Go away, I don't want to fight." He muttered out.

"That's a first for you. In fact that is a first any bully said to me." I growled

He sneered at me with anger "If you want to fight, then so be it."

He turns around to look at me and if he wasn't injured, we would have still have had this fight. My muscles began to ache and my concentration started to impair, but I didn't care I wanted to win this fight, not only for my mental health, but also for my physical health and to show everyone that I should be the one doing the bullying not them. I went through my mind on how should I defend his first blow if he strikes or how I should strike him. I decided to strike him because he looked like he was going to defensive position.

I ran up to him swung my left fist to his face, but he dodged it. Luckily I predicted that he would dodge that swing, but he didn't see my right fist going collision corse right to bottom of his chin. I heard a small hiss from him and I think he saw blood on his fingers and he threatened me with "You'll pay for that!"

He started throwing punches left and right, but he couldn't even get a hit. I then hit his right shoulder and I think I popped it because he touched it for like a second and then threw a left fist punch which he missed. We then exchanged punches that missed until I kicked his leg. He yelped when I kicked it and landed a good punch right on my left cheek. I then barely missed a punch right on his own left cheek.

We kept on fighting and I realized that this is the longest fight I've ever had with him and it was still undecided. I went to punch his right elbow and had a direct hit. He then kicked my right leg and pushed me to the ground. Luckily I was wearing long sleeves and pants and didn't feel any scraps, but when I fell, I felt small, like I just slipped into little space and I felt like less than a two year old. He laughed and mocked me "Oh have you fallen one more."

I felt like I wanted to cry so badly, but I heard faint footsteps and a female voice declaring "Hey! Stop bullying that poor man!"

My bully claimed "Look he is just a so small and looks like a child. He deserves to be bullied," I weeped when I heard that.

"Okay then, I will just have to fight you to have him to be free," threatening him like there was no tomorrow.

"Looks like I will have two people to abuse tonight," laughing with a evil chuckle.

When I looked up to see the fight that was going to happen, I was shocked who won so easily. The woman slapped my bully so hard, it was almost like a punch on the right cheek. He then fell to the ground on his side further hurting his shoulder. The woman groused "Now scram you bacteria," He got on his feet and ran like he never ran before.

The woman then started walking to and got me to sit as she was sitting on the ground. She wasn't that tall as me as she was like one or two inches taller than me. "Hey, are you okay?" She cooed at me. I nodded and babbled out "Tank ou or aving me."

She smiled and soothed me "Its all good and are you a little?" I nodded furiously and began to cry. She actually took me in with a hug and cooed at me "It's okay, I wouldn't hurt you on that part. You live your life however you want it to be."

I was happy that someone wasn't actually going to hurt me. I held on to her even harder. I really felt like she is a mommy that I am looking for, but I don't want to ask. I then asked "Can I pwease wive wit ou?"

She professed "Sure, you can stay with me."

I proclaimed "Tank ou!" She asked me "Now I don't know your name. Can you please tell me your name?" I confessed "Me name is Robert. Wat is ours name?" She proclaimed "My name is Ruby."

"Tank ou, Ruby." I blathered while she was playing with my hair. She cooed "You're welcome Robert and you need to go to sleep little one."

I babbled "Otay, do you have a paci that I can use, pwease?" She praised "Yes, I do and thank you for your manners." She put the paci in my mouth as I suck on it as I slowly fall asleep in her arms.

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