The Roadtrip

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We make our way down the highway, listening to our favorite song that Haley suggested.There was alcohol in the back, in which was illegal since we are only 18. The car smelt like soda and chips. All different kinds too. Stands, plaingals, and even doritos.

"Hey, you want some chips?" Haley asked me.

"Sure. I'll take the stands." I answered.

"Omg you're sooo boring Y/N." Haley snobily says.

"Why not just do the doritos, you've never had them before, no one is stopping you.. WAIT.. are you listening to your parents..?"

"Yea.. they're probably just a wimp haha." Noah says trailing along Haley's statement.

"No.. I'm just waiting for the right moment!" I say proudly.

They weren't wrong though.. I am a little scared to try it. Also I don't wanna get disowned, but yea.

"Hey Haley?" I ask

"Yea?" She responds.

How much more longer till we get there? I'm getting kinda car sick.." I say.

At least 50 more miles.. sorry Y/N. There IS a gas station 10 minutes away though." She responds again.

"Okay.. I'll see if I can survive.." I say.

"You'll be fineeeee" she says.

"Okay.." I say sickly.

~To be continued~

Word count: 202

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