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"AAAAH!" I scream.

"Woah! Calm down I'm not here to hurt you! It's more likely a vice-versa sorta thing."

"WHY ARE YOU TALKING??!" I shout confused at what standed before me.

A chip bag.. talking... talking chip bag..

"Look you may be sorta confused right now but-" he said but stopped.


"Uhh yea about that.." he says, slowly fading into his words.

"HOW ARE YOU ALIVE?!" I asked shouting at the bag.

"Ok sooo the thing is-" he said, stopping as I collapsed on the soaking road.

Hey guys it me, left arrow key! (Aka the author.) I just wanted to say sorry for making this one short. I'm having a hard time trying to find ideas for this book so tell me in the comments what I should write in the next part. Ok, bye readers!!

dorito x readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें