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The Beginning

It was my second semester at Uni. I came late to class and my classics teacher glared at me. "You're late."

That stopped me in my tracks, as all eyes were suddenly on me.

"I'm sorry," I chimed together with someone else behind me.

That surprised me, so I looked back and there I saw you.

Your dark brown hair was disheveled, but your eyes were always expressive as they looked into mine.

"By the way, I forgot..." our professor said before announcing to the class.

My glance went back to Mrs. Wutherford.

"I want you to meet a new face, sort of..." she softly chuckled. Looking at him, she smiled. Then she looked at her students. "Jay is a student in Engineering and since he wanted to volunteer, he will help me, starting today. Some of you might have seen or met Jay before since some of you had switched from Engineering to Creative Writing."

Murmurs of curiosity filled the room.

But everyone fell silent as she said with a loud, firm voice, "Enough. We'll begin our class again."

I forgot to go back to my seat as I kept looking at Jay with intrigue.

"Sadie, you may go to your seat."

Hearing her, made me startled; I hurriedly searched for a seat. Once I found one, it was next to my sort-of friend, Gabi, who waved and mouthed the words, "Hello." Her dyed golden hair was extra curly today.

I waved back and replied softly, "Hello." As I put down my backpack, I glanced again at Jay, whose gaze was on me. That made me look away. I chanted in my mind. Don't look at him, Sadie. Don't.

But whatever I did, my eyes kept stealing glances at him. Jay. That day I couldn't forget his expressive eyes. I didn't notice the color at first, and I've tried to remember, but it was muddled in my memory.

The classes were hard, finding myself yawning and bored the whole time. When time flew by and finally the school was over, I headed over to my dorm when you suddenly ran towards me, "Wait!"

That stopped me. You were now in front of me, smiling. I looked away to avoid blushing because of how I liked your smile.

"Hey, Sadie, right?"

I rolled my eyes. "How did you know my name?"

"Mrs. Wutherford called your name, didn't she?"

Taking a deep breath, I looked at the autumn trees. "What do you want? Why are you talking to me?"

"Because I like you..."

Surprised, I finally looked into your eyes. "Huh?" I noted the color in my mind, a dark blue lagoon.

"Because I like to know you."

"You already know my name," I said, exasperated. "Look, I need to go."

I walked away, but you crossed my path. "Sadie, you're beautiful."

That surprised me. "What?"

You chuckled. "I won't say it again."

That made me smile.

"See, you're smiling?"

I frowned. "No, I didn't smile."

"Yes, you did."

"No." I shook my head, feeling the blush on my cheeks. I hated it so much.


I was annoyed, and it showed in the tone of my voice. "Look, I have to go. I don't have time for this."

I hurriedly walked away. Somehow, deep in my heart, I wished you'd follow me. But you said, "Sadie, bye..."

I stopped and looked back at you.

You grinned. "For now."

Rolling my eyes, I shook my head and walked to my dorm.

I kept smiling because I thought about how cute you were, even if I knew you were much older than me. That didn't bother me, our age gap.

As I was near the cafeteria and the students were walking past me, I kept picturing your smile, your voice, and your eyes in my mind.

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