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We danced around the kitchen near the refrigerator light. Outside it was drizzling with snow. We were both staring at each other with a loving gaze. As you spun me around, after you caught me in your arms; you told me, "I love you, Sadie."

I replied, kissing you. "I love you too, Jay. I always will."

With close eyes, we kissed. I remembered what you told me that night as you stared into my eyes with hope. "I promise. We'll always be. Sadie. Always."

Again, we danced to our favorite song, a slow dance. It was one of the happiest and most romantic nights with you.

Your promise, I kept in my heart. I remember it all too well.


It was December. 11:11 pm; I couldn't sleep, no matter how hard I tried. Two weeks after the breakup, the impact it had on me was still inseparable. You promise me, remember? You said we'll always be. Always. But you broke your promise - you broke my heart. I wasn't sure if I could put it back together into pieces. My old self? I couldn't find her anymore.

My alarm clock kept ringing, and all I did was stay on my bed, staring at the ceiling, crying my eyes out, thinking about you. Only you.

As I whispered your name, "Jay..." All our memories came back to me like an old film. The kaleidoscopic scenes were nostalgic and bittersweet. I kept you like an oath, yet all you did was keep me a secret.

I was like a crumpled piece of paper lying here with words written about how much I love you. But I knew you wouldn't read the words, and that made me sob. I tried so hard to quietly cry. "Jay..." I remembered your smile and how you looked at me with hope. I know... you remember it... didn't you?

Remember, All Too WellWhere stories live. Discover now