Lysander: New York Crumbles

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Lysander grasped tightly to Lily's hand, his heart plummeting deep in and out of his chest. Anxiety was never a problem of his, but today, his anxiety was plummeting so fast he feared it was because he had Lily.

Sitting around a table, the Avengers were arguing amongst each other about whether they should actually help them. Lysander was burning with anger listening to the back and forth of Avengers saying we have to help them, and, let them figure it out. Lysander lost his temper and banged his fist on the table.

The surface vibrated like a sheet of flimsy metal until it cracked and collapsed to the floor. Lysander sunk into his chair again and hid his face in his head. Lily placed a hand on his back. Lysander couldn't believe he just broke a table, most likely very expensive, in Avengers Tower.

"Great. That was more than you're worth." Stark commented.

Lysander sat up and stared at the ceiling, "I realize that sir. I was just getting a little angry and-"

"A little angry? You just destroyed a fifty-THOUSAND-dollar table, kid! How do you call that a LITTLE angry?!" Stark screamed.

Banner grabbed his hand firmly on Stark's shoulder, "Tony, enough. He's just a kid."

"Yeah, well, 'just a kid' just cost me FIFTY-THOUSAND-DOLLARS, Bruce!" Tony was full on upset.

The room started to quake, and another wall caved in on itself. Circe materialized in front of them and smirked.

"Well, well. Looks like you kids found a 'safe haven'." she sneered before glaring them all up and down, "Not for much longer, though."

She snapped her fingers and the entire building started to quake. Support columns started collapsing, all the furniture was getting smashed, everything was coming down.

"Seems you've got bigger worries than your dumb table, Tony." Black Widow pointed out. She took hold of Banner's hand, "We've got to get out of here."

The eight kids gathered together. Erika tried to fly, but there were too many people for her. Teddy scooped everyone up and leapt from a window. He shifted into a rubber shield and once he hit the ground, everyone went bouncing down crumbling New York. Circe was flying above, blasting at them with all her might. She was so determined to steal their gifts.

Lysander managed to find a hole in Teddy's ball and peered out at the city. Circe was behind them with buildings falling left right and center. Teddy shifted back into himself and dragged everyone into an abandoned subway. He placed Lorcan in a safe spot.

"You- wait here." he told him.

Then, Teddy ran out of the subway. Lorcan watched with great confusion, but Lysander didn't have time to explain. Circe shoved Teddy back into the subway station. She saw Riley and smirked.

"Your little trick was impressive. I think I'll take your gift first." she announced, reaching out in front of her.

Riley gasped as she was lifted into the air. At a certain point, she stopped, and a green light started to float out her chest, headed for Circe. Circe breathed in the green light and Lysander impulsively jumped into the air- punching the angry God in the chest.

Landing on the ground, he inhaled slightly and said, "No one hurts my friends."

Circe stood up and started to move forward again, but the Hulk arrived in time. He hit the God multiple times, which at the time, Lysander didn't see the problem with that. Circe suddenly held up her hand and the sky got really dark.

In the darkness, figures appeared in front of them. When the dark lightened up, many different children in full battle armor were running towards them. Lysander and the others charged forward, minus Lorcan. His anxiety was probably forcing him to stand still. Lysander readied his fist and punched a kid square in the face.

He shook his hand. Why had that hurt? It never hurt before. Riley was trying to use her gift to convince the children to stop, but Lysander must've been too slow. James Sirius' gift was giving him a little more luck, but it only worked on one person at a time. Lily, Teddy, and Albus was switching back and forth, teasing the kids into a state of dizziness. Erika seemed to have recharged enough to fly alone and she was calling upon the winds, rain, and sun- making as many child warriors as tired as can be.

The other Avengers were off somewhere fighting Circe, so she wasn't anywhere in sight. Suddenly, the ground started to vibrate under, and Lysander started seeing cracks appear at his feet. Then, a loud bang. Lysander and the others were blown in multiple different directions.

Lysander opened his eyes and groggily sat up. Blinking at dust that got lodged in his eyes, he looked at crumbled New York around him, confused. He suddenly shot to his feet once he remembered what happened. He stumbled quickly over the debris of fallen buildings, looking around desperately. His shoulder felt like it had been dislocated, but all he cared about was if she was alright.

"Lily!" he called desperately.

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