Teddy: Stowaway

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It had been Teddy's turn to drive for about an hour and because of Bruce they were well out of New York City by now. Bruce was sitting in the passenger seat, pointing out turns and detours. They'd been driving so long; they didn't know how far they'd gotten until they passed a sign that said - Welcome to Buffalo.

"Alright, Teddy. Why don't you pull into a parking lot? We can get a recharge at one of these 24/7 places." Bruce informed him.

Teddy nodded and turned into a 7-11. He needed gas, too, so he pulled up to a pump. When the car rolled to a stop, everyone slowly woke up. They looked around at their surroundings.

"Where exactly are we headed?" Lily asked, sitting up from leaning on Lysander's shoulder.

"A friends." Bruce stated simply, "His family lives in Missouri."

"We're driving to Missouri?" James asked, already standing outside the car, stretching.

Teddy was about to intervene, but everything went quiet went they heard three thumps come from the trunk. Teddy looked at the others before moving toward the trunk. He popped it and nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw the little six-year-old Atlas Scamander lying there. Lorcan, Lysander, and Erika must've seen his hair because they ran around to the back and Erika didn't look happy.

Grabbing her brother by the wrist, she dragged him from the trunk, "What did I tell you?! You're too young!"

Atlas shifted on his feet, "Well, I can't go home. It's too far."

"We're not turning around, Erika." Teddy said, "Circe might attack us again."

Erika sighed and tightened her grip on the child's wrist. She pushed him into the backseat and wagged her finger at him.

"Stay there!" she told him.

Slamming the car door shut, she screamed in frustration. She held out her hand to Riley, who set some money in her palm. Erika stomped into the gas station. Lily followed the angry teen. Erika grabbed snacks and drinks and chucked them at Lily, who narrowly avoided dropping them each time.

"I just-! I don't get it, Lils!" Erika started, "Atlas doesn't listen to Lorcan or Lysander hardly ever! He only listens to Mom and Dad when they get really angry! I can usually get through to him, but even then, I have to cause windstorm with books and knives for him to take my threats seriously!" she hit her forehead to one of the cooler doors, "Why is Atlas the way he is?"

Lily sighed, "I'm not telling you to be a better sister, but have you ever taken into account that Atlas is being defiant to get attention. He is only six."

"Which is exactly why I told to him to go home in the first place!" Erika said. She opened the cooler squeezed to into her head and screamed into it so high-pitched, if there were people stocking back there, they wouldn't be half-asleep anymore.

When Erika removed her head from the cooler, Lily looked her up and down with a tired look, "Better?"

Erika shrugged and sighed, "A little."

The girls took the items to the front counter and watched as the extremely over it looking lady scanned their items in.

"$27.89." she told them, her voice sounding like it was glazed over. Erika handed over the money and the lady asked they wanted a bag. Lily and Erika nodded in unison and the lady stuffed their items in bags. The two girls left the convenience store with bags in each hand, walking to Teddy's car in silence.

The door opened to the back seat thanks to James. Erika and Lily chucked the bags in the bag and climbed in. The car started moving and Erika finally addressed Atlas more friendly. She looked down at him and took hold of his head. It had wet streaks running down in a straight path. Erika took her thumb and wiped away Atlas' tears.

"I didn't mean to yell, Attie. I promise." she reassured him, "I'm sorry."

Atlas hugged Erika and nodded in response to her apology. Erika ran her hand through Atlas' hair and rocked back and forth in comfort - which was exactly what their mother did when they had nightmares as children.


They were on the road until it was about four-thirty in the morning when the car swerved off the road. Teddy managed to keep it from flipping over, but the car still wasn't drivable anymore. Everyone filed out of the car and Teddy kicked at the tire.

"God dammit, hunk of junk!" he yelled.

He didn't have much time to be upset after that, because Circe materialized before them. Atlas hid behind Erika when he saw what the big kids were up against. Everyone readied themselves to fight, but Circe was ready to fight. What she did was pick up Erika and Atlas and shook. Neither one fell to the ground until something happened between the two and Erika was so startled, she accidentally let go.

Atlas was lifted into the air, but Circe sighed. The two of them disappeared and Erika screamed out. She punched the ground and pushed herself with such force, she flew straight up into the air. She landed on the ground with such force, the ground quaked.

During the quaking, the car windows cracked open before absolutely shattering. Falling back on ground, she had a noticeable shake about her. Teddy watched as Lorcan and Lysander helped her to her feet. Riley stared at where Circe had been, her nostrils flaring.

"Alright." Tony said, "So we lost a kid, the car is not drivable, and we still have to get to Missouri."

Bruce looked up, "We could take a bus, Tony."

Tony scoffed, "A bus? You mean, those filthy public transportation vehicles? No thanks."

Teddy looked Tony straight, his eyes glaring with frustration, "Well, that's the best the plan we have, Mr. Stark! If you don't like it, go home!"

Tony rolled his eyes and wagged a finger at Teddy, "Hey, kid. I need lip from you. Come on. The closest bus stop is within walking distance."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2022 ⏰

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